Sumedang Larang Palace Clothing Motif By Tel-U Students

Three Telkom University students who held a Final Assignment session on Friday (31/8) did work for the Sumedang Larang Palace in the form of Batik Motifs and Clothing to be used in the palace environment. It is a unique and proud achievement for Tel-U students and an opportunity to apply creative ideas in real terms.

The students from the School of Creative Industries (FIK) include Cicha Paramitha with the work of Developing Inspirational Motives for Keris Nagasasra; Intan Berliana with the outcome of Application of Batik Motifs with the Inspiration of Gong Keraton Ornaments; and Hanifah Ramadhanty with the work of Developing Motives Inspired by Flora and Fauna from the Sumedang Palace.

Radya Anom from the Sumedang Larang Palace (KSL), namely R. Luky Djohari Soemawilaga, revealed that this work could be an attraction for tourists visiting Sumedang to be used as souvenirs to help turn the wheels of the economy of the Sumedang people.

“I hope that in the future, this dress will not only be used in the internal palace but has the potential to become an official Sumedang souvenir that can help encourage economic flows.” Said R. Luky.

Meanwhile, from the Mahapatih of the Sumedang Larang Palace, R. Lily Djamhur Soemawilaga emphasized giving a high philosophical meaning to each batik motif on the clothes.

“We must highlight exclusivity, price, and deep value with a philosophy. That could be a plus,” said R. Lily.

The philosophy behind each motif in work, such as the Keris, symbolizes power and authority. Then the Rooster motif represents working full of strength and energy. There is also a Dragon which means a protective meaning and a form of prosperity.

According to one of the supervisors, Faradillah Nursari, B.Des., M.Ds., there is still an excellent opportunity to develop motifs. Students can do further exploration on batik motifs and motifs on kebaya.

For information, in this Final Project, the three students are guided by three supervisors, including Faradillah Nursari, B.Des., M.Ds.; Sari Yuningsih, S.Ds., M.Ds.; and M. Sigit Ramadhan, S.Pd., M.Sn.

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