Tel-U and MarkPlus Collaborate on Expertise Certification

Kerjasama Markplus

BANDUNG, Telkom University – The signing of the MoU between MarkPlus and Telkom University officially took place on Friday (4/3). The scope of cooperation that both parties will carry out is the development of the competence of students and lecturers through the certification program owned by MarkPlus.

The President Director of PT disclosed it. MarkPlus Indonesia, represented by Hermawan Kartajaya. He said that through this collaboration, both parties are expected to be able to contribute to each other and take advantage of each institution’s facilities for human resource development.

“Today’s professional competence is not enough just from a diploma, and there need to be other indicators that show someone is competent in their field. MarkPlus is interested in facilitating human resources at Tel-U, whether students or lecturers, to be able to certify here. Hopefully, this cooperation will make a big contribution to this nation.” Hermawan said.

The competency areas prioritized for certification include Digital Marketing, Entrepreneurial Marketing, and OMNI Brand. In addition, the team from MarkPlus can also provide lecture materials at the Faculty of Applied Sciences as guest lecturers with a focus on marketing materials and other agreed materials.

Rector of Telkom University, Prof. Dr. Adiwijaya, explained that Tel-U does not only want to produce graduates but more than that, graduates who have the best competencies in their fields.

“We want graduates who are accompanied by competency certification, so they can be ready to enter the community and industry. It also makes them more confident and helps accelerate their careers after graduation,” said Adiwijaya.

The Chancellor of Tel-U also said that Vocational Studies teach fellow students to be better prepared after graduation. “For vocational problem-solving skills, this is a challenge for friends in vocational training,” said the Rector of Tel-U.

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