Tel-U, First Campus Signed the Declaration of the Independent Campus

06 Tel U Kampus Pertama Tandatangani Deklarasi Kampus Merdeka

BANDUNG, Telkom University – Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Nadiem Anwar Makarim has issued a policy of “Merdeka Belajar, Merdeka Kampus”. This policy generates the five Ministers of Education and Culture as the foundation for the implementation of this new policy.

Prof. Nizam Ph.D., said that this policy had generated 5 Permendikbud namely Permendikbud no. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 in 2020.

“The 5 legal bases for an independent learning policy are divided into 4 points. First, opening new study programs that include in Permendikbud no 7 and no 5 2020. Second, the accreditation system of Higher Education include in Permendikbud no.5 in 2020. Third, state tertiary institutions include in Permendikbud no 4 and 6 in 2020. Fourth, the three-semester right outside the study program also includes in Permendikbud no.3 in 2020. “Said Prof. Nizam in the teleconference at the declaration of Merdeka Learning in Damar Building Telkom University, on Friday (6/3).

In its practice, Prof. Nizam added that the implementation of this policy encouraged the learning process in higher education to become more autonomous and flexible.

“This aims to achieve an innovative learning culture and not to curb the needs of each educational institution.” He said.

In his remarks, the Head of the Higher Education Service Institution (LLDIKTI) Region IV Prof. Uman Suherman said that the government had shown its partiality to the students. The terms freedom of learning doesn’t mean free from norms, but freeing students to innovate according to their respective passions.

“From this policy, I advise all universities to facilitate the independent learning process. Thus, all lecturers and academic support staff must actively participate in guiding students.” He explained.

Appreciation is also given by Prof. Uman to Telkom University because Tel-U has openly declared its concern to academicians, the government and witnessed by the industry.

“Tel-U becomes the first campus that openly declares the Merdeka Belajar declaration. This action leads us to the guarantee of the future since this declaration is also followed by industries and the Ministry of Education and Culture. “He said.

Telkom University Rector Prof. Adiwijaya in his speech said that the implementation of Merdeka Belajar will be conducted in the academic year 2020/2021 through the work-ready program, internship program, and research program.

“The signing of the declaration becomes Telkom University commitment to support the nation and to create outstanding human resources for Indonesia because higher education is the gate to create a golden generation for this nation.” He said.