Tel-U Received ISO 9001-2015 Certification Recommendations by the British Standards Institution

closing audit

Bandung, Telkom University – Lasting for three days (24-26 June 2020), Telkom University (TelU) underwent an ISO 9001: 2015 Surveillance II audit by the British Standards Institution. This audit aims to continue to improve the quality of education at Telkom University to remain the best private campus in Indonesia.

Ade Haris Mustafa, who is an Auditor from BSI, conveyed the results of his audit before colleagues in the Field, Faculty and Rectorate.

The three results of positive observations submitted by Ade, the first is that TelU has been accredited by BAN-PT and received Accreditation A. Second, the use of information systems in various processes. Third, the Covid-19 issue has been identified, and its control actions have been determined by TelU.

Regarding the audit results, according to Ade included in the Minor category. Some descriptions regarding the audit results include:

Several points need to be improved such as Verification for Assessment Questions that have not been done in the Validation and Software Verification Course (Faculty of Applied Sciences).

Corrective action for lecture material that has not been delivered based on the syllabus report in iGracias for the 2019-2020 Software Validation and Software Verification course is only 91.75%. The same conditions also exist in Visual Communication Design (Faculty of Creative Industries) and Communication Studies (Faculty of Communication and Business)

The Information System Audit Course in the 2016 Curriculum is 4 SKS, but in the RPS it says 3 SKS (School of Economics and Business).

From the results of an audit conducted over three days by BSI, Ade revealed that Telkom University includes in the certification recommendation for ISO 9001: 2015. “Congratulations to TelU, for the next year audit there will be a certification. All faculties and directorates will be audited. Good luck, “said Ade.