Telkom University Again Sends AUMR to Wisma Atlet and Surabaya

BANDUNG, Telkom University – The growth of Covid-19 cases in Indonesia is increasing, until today, September 8, 2020, the number of Covid-19 cases in Indonesia has reached 196 thousand. In response to this, Telkom University and PT Telkom Indonesia sent 5 Autonomous UVC Mobile Robot (AUMR) robots to BNPB (National Disaster Management Agency).
AUMR is an innovation created by Telkom University with the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), where this tool is used for Disinfection & Sterilization in the Isolation Room for Positive Covid-19 Patients without direct human intervention.
This AUMR handover took place at Bandung Techno Park (BTP) on Tuesday (8/9), by the Director of Strategic Cooperation & International Affairs Office of Telkom University Lia Yuldinawati S.T., M.M. with the Director of Research and Community Service Telkom University Angga Rusdinar, Ph.D., to the BNPB team. Also present including Dennis (Staff of the Directorate of Emergency Resources Support), Giano Pratama (Staff of the Directorate of Emergency Resource Support), Saliman (Public and HR Bureau staff), and Febi Rialdi (Deputy TU Staff for Emergency Management).
Later these five AUMRs will be used at the Jakarta athletes’ guesthouse and will also be sent to Surabaya. Until now, a total of 6 AUMR robots have been submitted to BNPB since last June.
Lia Yuldinawati said, in the future, AUMR will continue to be developed for several functions, and the number will continue to be increased according to demand. AUMR is an innovation from Tel-U to encounter the Covid-19 pandemic.
“In dealing with current problems, cooperation between universities and industry in producing innovation is necessary. It is a joint commitment in contributing to the nation.” He said.