Telkom University Assisted Kuningan District Develop Into Smart City

KUNINGAN, Telkom University – In realizing clean, effective, transparent, and accountable governance as well as quality and reliable public services, under Presidential Regulation No. 95 of 2018 concerning Electronic-Based Government Systems (SPBE).

Telkom University with the Kuningan Regency government has implemented the SPBE Master Plan Formulation Kick-Off which took place at the Kuningan Regency Government office, Wednesday (11/11).

Telkom University entourage led by the Rector of Telkom University, Prof. Adiwijaya, was greeted directly by the Deputy Regent (Wabup) Kuningan, M Ridho Suganda, accompanied by the Regional Secretary, Dr. Dian Rachmat Yanuar.

In his remarks, the Vice Regent said that the Electronic-Based Government System is a government administration that utilizes information and communication technology to provide services to SPBE users, as mandated in Presidential Regulation Number 95 of 2020 concerning SPBE.

“For the SPBE implementation to run well and be able to support the implementation of the leadership’s vision and mission and synergize with central government programs, there is a need for planning in its implementation. And this SPBE Master Plan is an initial requirement for realizing a Smart City, “he said.

Also attending were Plt. Head of the Communication and Informatics Office (Kadis Kominfo) Kuningan Regency, Dadi Hariadi, wherein his report Hariadi conveyed that the preparation of the SPBE master plan aims to realize clean, effective, transparent, and accountable governance as well as quality and reliable public services. He continued, also to improve cohesiveness and efficiency in governance by utilizing ICT.

“In implementing SPBE development, Diskominfo Kuningan Regency on this occasion will also make a joint agreement (Mou) with Telkom University Bandung and the Directorate of Cooperation and the Office of International Affairs of Telkom University in the self-management of the study of the SPBE master plan for the Kuningan Regency Government,”

Rector of Telkom University, Prof. Adiwijaya said that this is an implementation of the MoU (Memorandum of Understanding) that has been implemented between Telkom University and Kuningan Regency, and through this activity, it is hoped that it can run smoothly, and make Kuningan Regency one of the Smart Cities in Indonesia.


“We are ready to help Kuningan regency in creating this SPBE, because what we are doing right now has one goal, namely jointly advancing the Indonesian nation, because Telkom University is the best private university in Indonesia, apart from producing superior human resources for the nation, we are also committed to advancing areas in Indonesia. ” He explained.

This event also carried out the signing of a Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) between Telkom University and Kuningan Regency which was signed directly by the Director of Strategic Cooperation & International Affairs Office, Lia Yuldinawati and Plt Kadis Kominfo Kuningan Regency Dadi Hariadi, witnessed directly by Prof. Adiwijaya together with the Deputy Regent of Kuningan Regency and Deputy Rector IV for Research, Innovation and Cooperation, Dr. Rina Pudji Astuti.