Telkom University Dormitory Facilities for New Students

checkin asrama telkom university

BANDUNG, Telkom University – Telkom University Dormitory is ready to welcome new students for the new academic year 2022/2023. Currently, prospective students at Telkom University have started to re-register. They are preparing to welcome the Introduction to Campus Life for New Students (PKKMB) 2022, which will take place next week.

Since Monday (5/9), new students have started checking into the dormitory, which will last until Thursday (8/9). The dormitory check-in schedule will be divided according to the selected study program. To maintain the health protocol, the dorm room occupancy capacity in this period is only filled by two new students, different from before the pandemic, which was four students per room.

Vice-Rector for Admissions, Student Affairs, and Alumni Dr. Dida Diah Damajanti said Telkom University accepted 7,868 new students. Later, new students will live in Telkom University dormitories with capacities adjusted according to applicable policies and maintain health protocols.

“Until now, the dormitory capacity has always been sufficient. The first-year students are required to stay in a dormitory except for those who live in the city of Bandung. Especially this year, two new students are only occupied in the dorm rooms to maintain progress. The Rector will officially inaugurate all new students in an open session of the new student admissions Senate on September 12, 2022, next week. “said Dida.

Tel-U Dormitory is located in a campus area of ????approximately 50 hectares. Students can use the dormitory room facilities are beds, wardrobes, study tables, and bathrooms. In addition, various program activities will be carried out while staying in the dormitory managed by the Directorate of Student Affairs and the Telkom University Dormitory.

Meanwhile, communal facilities in the campus area include a jogging track, gym, swimming pool, futsal, basketball, volleyball, and badminton courts. New students can enjoy green spaces such as the Tel-U forest, Situ Tekno, and sports fields around the dormitory.

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