Telkom University Lecturers Organized Marketing Skills Training for Teachers at SMK Telkom 2 Medan

Dosen Telkom University Latih Kemahiran Marketing Guru SMK Telkom 2 Medan

Telkom University, as a higher education institution, must do community service. Several Lecturers carry it out from the Digital Public Relations Study Program, School of Communication and Business, training the marketing skills of teachers at SMK Telkom II Medan on Wednesday (9/3/ 2022).

Program coordinator Martha Tri Lestari explained that the presence of universities was intended for the community, especially in terms of literacy and education.

“The marketing theme was chosen because it is relevant to current conditions and needed for academic people in the Telkom Vocational School. Hopefully, this can add insight and be useful,” he explained.

This digital marketing literacy assistance is a series of community service activities at Telkom University to welcome the New Student Admission (PPDB) at SMK Telkom 2 Medan. The training, which was held through the Zoom meeting, featured two speakers from the Faculty of Communication and Business lecturers, Dini Salmiyah Fithrah Ali and Tita Melia Milyane.

While discussing the first material, Dini mentioned several Searching Phases that can attract audiences in the media, including content to wait for momentum, creating exciting content, and doing storytelling.

“Marketing anything to be effective and interesting requires storytelling skills, precise timing, and needs to understand momentum,” explained Dini.

The first material ends with several questions about marketers, one of which is the efforts that must be made to have more courage in promoting. Then the following material discussed the SWOT analysis, which was delivered directly by Tita Melia.

Tita gave so many explanations about the digital marketing strategy plan, one of which was explaining the purpose of the SWOT strategy analysis. The strategy was able to maximize strengths, minimize weaknesses, reduce threats and build opportunities in the future.

Tita also provides a way to make an analysis. This method consists of two steps first, pay attention to the school’s vision and mission, then describe what is in the four main components of the analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats).

 “Second, after describing the four factors, make a strategy based on the strategy matrix.”

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