The Regent of Bandung Regency Conducts a CPNS Test Visit at Telkom University

Bandung, Telkom University – The Regent of Bandung Regency, Dadang Supriatna, visited the CPNS location at Telkom University on Monday (20/9). This visit is nothing but to encourage the CPNS test participants and ensure the recruitment process goes well and under health protocols.

He gave a speech before the second session of the CPNS test took place. According to him, the enthusiasm of the participants was very high, as seen from the number of participants who registered specifically for Bandung Regency, which reached thousands of participants.

“Regency. Bandung currently requires around 492 State Civil Apparatus. Until today there are around 9700 participants who participated. I appreciate the enthusiasm of these brothers. Wishing you the best in the future.” said Dadang.

Before giving his speech, Dadang M Nasser also first reviewed the test location from the entrance to the exam room. He also greeted the test takers who were in the sterile waiting room to encourage them.

“The results of this test will be displayed immediately later, for those who pass, keep the spirit of undergoing the next test. For those who have not succeeded, don’t be discouraged, there are still many opportunities and potentials that can be explored,” said Dadang.

The Telkom University Convention Center has been chosen as the location for the CPNS exam in 2021. According to the Vice-Rector of Telkom University, Resources, Andijoko, Tel-U can provide the best test implementation facilities with strict health protocol standards.

“This test lasts three sessions. Pause between tests, we make sure the room is sterilized using our innovative tool, the Autonomous UVC Mobile Robot. So it is hoped that the room will be sterile again for the next test-takers.” Andjoko said.

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