The School of Informatics Organized a Software Seminar

Fakultas Informatika Gelar Seminar Perangkat Lunak Software Developer vs Software EngineerBANDUNG, Telkom University – School of Informatics Telkom University through its Software Engineering Expertise Group (KK), organized an online seminar, entitled “What’s Wrong with Software Engineering?”. This event took place through the Zoom application on Tuesday (27/10).

At this seminar, the speakers included a lecturer at the School of Informatics, Jati Hiliamsyah Husen, S.T., M.Eng., And Dana Sulistyo Kusumo, Ph.D., as the Head of Study Program (Kaprodi) S1 Software Engineering.

Jati explained that current software is embedded in everyday life, wherefrom waking up to sleeping again at night, everyday life cannot be separated from the use of applications or software.

“Without realizing it, our life is very easy with the presence of a variety of applications, ranging from entertainment applications, work, even for eating, we are also facilitated by using applications, to banking transactions.” He said.

Besides, Jati added, Software Engineering (RPL) itself has greatly influenced everyday life; therefore, RPL itself is a systematic, disciplined, and quantifiable approach to the development, use, and maintenance of software, as well as studies of approaches namely the application of an engineering approach to the software.

“So that we can know that modern life depends on the quality of existing software because RPL itself is there to answer these demands.” He said.

Dana explained that in the process, making the software itself was developed on an activity called Degnan Waterfall Mode, which, although currently there are many other activities or development methods, the basic reference still comes from here.

“The stages of the Waterfall model are first, Requirements: what purposes the software is made, find out what the problem is and determine what the target is. Second, what kind of design is made, and continued with implementation, here we can see the software is formed. The next stage is verification, which is important to find out whether the software is running well or not. After passing verification, then entering the final stage is maintenance, where the quality of software must be maintained even though it has been used by the community.” He explained.