Tips to Avoid the Stage Fright, DJ Arie version

DJ Arie

BANDUNG, TEL-U – For students, public speaking is a skill that must be possessed. But not all students are ready to do so. Sometimes, Speak in a public sphere becomes a scary thing. There is even a term ‘Demam Panggung-Stage Fright’ from too worried or afraid to speak in public.

To overcome this, DJ Arie invited to the seminar ‘The Art of the Elevator Pitch’ to share the secrets of becoming a good public speaker and impress others in 30 seconds. This seminar was held in the Hall 4th floor of the Faculty of Creative Industries, Friday (17/4).

“Related with the theme of this seminar, elevator pitch is a brief summary used by person to articulate the purpose and the message to be conveyed and also how to impress people within 30 seconds,” he said.
One way that can be selected, he stated, is to improve our communication skills. “Improve comunication skills to the next level,” said DJ Arie. “If you want to succeed, we need to create a comfortable listener, to provide opportunities for them to go with the flow of our conversation,” he said.

Before end the material, DJ Arie invite the students to simulate what they get from the seminar. Students were enthusiastic and very excited when invited simulated together. (Purel / Sarah)

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