West Java Educational Landmark Has Been 65% Running

08 27 Landmark Pendidikan Jawa Barat Sudah 65 Rampung

BANDUNG, Telkom University – The construction of Telkom University Landmark Tower (TULT) will be completed in June 2021 has now reached 65% of construction. TULT will be the highest lecture building in West Java with a height of 20 floors where there will be 178 classrooms, a medical room, lecturer room, multipurpose room, meeting/courtroom, prayer room, laboratory, and a Research Center.

According to the Project Manager of PT. Housing Development (PP), Caca Sukarsa, TULT development has currently reached 65%, and in the TULT Topping Off event on Thursday (27/8) a direct observation will be carried out to the 20th floor as well as a casting ceremony by the relevant leadership.

“We can complete 3-4 floors monthly, since the groundbreaking was carried out in June 2019, and until now, in the 34th week, we report that the construction has reached the 20th floor, and will be completed according to the target in June 2021.” He explained.

During the construction process, Caca reported that there were no difficult obstacles, but there was a slight decline in performance since the COVID-19 pandemic.

“The entire development process is running smoothly as it should be, and so far what has happened in the Zero Accident field and we will continue to keep it up until this project is completed.” He said.

The Topping Off event was attended by the leaders of the Telkom Education Foundation (YPT) and the Rector and the Dean of Telkom University.

Dr. Dwi S Purnomo in his speech said that this event had been awaited for a long time, and finally now it can be viewed directly in the building.

“We continue to monitor the development of TULT because for us (YPT) and Tel-U this building is a mandate that we prepare to support our children’s facilities, students so that in the future Tel-U can continue to produce the best generation for the nation.” He said.

Rector of Telkom University, Prof. Adiwijaya would like to thank YPT and PT. PP which has provided this facility for the world of education, so that Tel-U can continue to provide its best to produce superior human resources.


“For us, TULT is not just a landmark, but even greater than we provide this facility to support educational facilities for the nation’s generation, and become our commitment in contributing to the Indonesian nation.” He explained.

The construction of this building is also Telkom University development plans in the future, wherein the period 2019 – 2038, the plan to develop these faculties and study programs is based on studies of research institutions in Indonesia, regarding trends in industrial development in Indonesia. Where there will be 2 new faculties, namely the School Of Health & Medicine and the School related to Tourism, Transportation & Hospitality Industry, where there will be 4 Prodi from each of these faculties.