Telkom University Lecturer Capabilities Academic Year 2019-2020

IMG 9520

Bandung, Telkom University – On Thursday (9/1) Tel-U conducted lecturers’ support for the academic year 2019/2020 in the Hall of the Faculty of Applied Sciences. This activity is routinely held in the new semester with the aim of socializing what programs will be achieved in lectures in the semester to be taken. On this occasion, the lecturer empowerment activity was attended by Prof. Uman Suherman, Head of LLDIKTI Region IV West Java.
On his remarks, Prof. Uman, revealed that there are two things that lecturers need to consider when they want to start teaching activities, namely Transfer Knowledge, and Transfer Culture (Value).
“Transfer of Knowledge means that the knowledge of a lecturer must continue to be improved. Lecturers are expected to have a much broader knowledge than students, lest students regret being taught by us. Second is Transfer Culture or transfer value. Lecturers must have different ways of thinking, ways of speaking need to be guarded, ways of feeling something must also be maintained, “said Uman.
While the message delivered by the Rector of Telkom University, Prof. Adiwijaya is continuing to look for room for improvement in 2020. “Starting 2020 we have achieved many achievements, but we must not be negligent. There will always be room for improvement. Of course, integrity must still be maintained, any achievement without good integrity will not be good. For lecturers, use the first 10 minutes to get impressions from students. ”
The lecturer empowerment activity will later be carried out in their respective faculties. The new lecturers will immediately be given directions to be ready to face teaching activities that will take place in the coming week.