Category: Community Service

Abdimas Tel U

Uplifting A Marketer Spirit for All Academician as an Opening Event for the Community Service Program for Telkom University Lecturers

BANDUNG, Telkom University – Welcoming the New Student Admission (PPDB) Telkom University lecturers from 3 (three) Faculties, School of Business Communication, School of Applied Industry, and School of Economics Telkom University Business organize PPDB Assistance activities in community service programs. This activity, which will last until March 2022, collaborates with the target community, namely teachers […]

Tel U Serahkan 8 Produk Inovasi

Tel-U Delivers 8 Innovation Products to Bandung Regency

BANDUNG, Telkom University – The community can again feel the benefits of the work of Telkom University lecturers. People of Sukapura Village, Dayeuhkolot District, Bandung Regency received eight Telkom University innovation products, which took place at the Telkom University Landmark Tower Building, Tuesday (4/1). These eight products are the work of lecturers at the Faculty […]