Category: News


Tel-U Engineers Expected to Contribute in National Development Program

BANDUNG, TEL-U – Engineers in Indonesia, especially from Tel-U, is expected to fully contribute to national development. It was conveyed by Ir Istanto Oerip, The Top Professional Engineers of Indonesian Engineers Association (PII) at the Engineer Professional Development Program Workshop (PPPII) in Deli Building Telkom University (Tel-U), on Thursday (31/3).

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Bukalapak Ajak Mahasiwa Tel-U Jualan Lewat Internet

BANDUNG, TEL-U – Pendiri (Co-Founder and CFO), Muhamad Fajrin Rasyid mengajak mahasiswa Telkom University (Tel-U) untuk menambah penghasilan dari penggunaan internet. Fajrin mengatakan hal ini saat menjadi pembicara pada seminar yang bertajuk Usaha Tinggal Selangkah (UTS) yang digelar di Gedung Damar Tel-U, Senin (28/3).

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Inilah 20 Rekomendasi untuk “Cybersecurity Capacity Building” di Indonesia

JAKARTA, TEL-U – Sebagai perguruan tinggi yang memiliki visi pendidikan berbasis Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (TIK), Telkom University (Tel-U) terus berupaya mengembangkan kerjasama dengan pihak lain. Salah satunya kerjasama yang dirintis dengan University of Oxford dan Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika Republik Indonesia.


Bukalapak Invited Tel-U Students to Move to Online Sale

BANDUNG, TEL-U – Co-Founder and CFO of, Muhamad Fajrin Rasyid invited Telkom University (Tel-U) students to increase revenue from Internet use. Fajrin stated that on seminar entitled “Usaha Tinggal Selangkah” which was held in Damar BuildingTel-U, Monday (28/3).

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The 20 Recommendations for Cyber Security Building in Indonesia

JAKARTA, TEL-U – As a university that has a vision of education with Information and Communication Technology (ICT) based, Telkom University (Tel-U) has continued to develop cooperation with other related parts. Initiating a cooperation with University of Oxford and Ministry of Communication and Information of the Republic of Indonesia become one of the point.

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Raup Omset Ratusan Juta Rupiah, Alfian Juara 2 Wirausaha Mandiri 2015

BANDUNG, TEL-U – Ajang Wirausaha Mandiri 2015 yang diselenggarakan oleh PT. Bank Mandiri menghasilkan 24 pebisnis muda dari seluruh Indonesia. Salah satunya adalah Alfian Pamungkas, mahasiswa Prodi Teknik Informatika Fakultas Informatika Telkom University angkatan 2014.

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Develop Cyber Security Research, Tel-U Cooperate with Oxford

JAKARTA, TEL-U – Telkom University Rector, Prof. Ir Ashari Mochamad MEng, PhD, expressed his appreciation for the cooperation. According to him, an honor for Tel-U to cooperate with University of Oxford and the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology of Indonesia, especially in terms of cyber research.

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Pemerintah Indonesia Sebaiknya Mulai Pertimbangkan Keamanan Saiber

JAKARTA, TEL-U – Pakar Information Security and Privacy, Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford, Prof Ian Brown mengimbau pemerintah Indonesia untuk mempertimbangkan dengan matang sejumlah faktor berkaitan dengan penerapan keamanan saiber (cyber security). Hal ini diungkapkan Brown dalam Seminar dan Workshop Cybersecurity Capacity, di Jakarta, Senin (28/3).