Bandung, Telkom University – Faculty of economics and business in collaboration with olpedia and held a seminar with the theme “Bandung Entrepreneur Festival” on Sunday (22/12) at the Telkom University Convention Hal. The seminar was opened by the dean of the faculty of economics and business Dr. Ratri Wahyuningtyas, S.T., M.M.According to the Dean […]
MALANG, Telkom University – Telkom University (Tel-U) in collaboration with PT Inti, launched an innovative product, Arrhythmia Monitoring System, Monday (16/12) at RSUD dr. Saiful Anwar, Malang. The launch of the research results of the Industrial Technology Development Program (PPTI), witnessed by the Director of Industrial Technology Development of the Ministry of Research and Technology […]
Bandung, Telkom University – Various collaborations have been conducted between Telkom University and Bank Mandiri. This time the form of cooperation realized between the two parties was in the form of educational facilities. Bank Mandiri has transformed one of the rooms in the Tel-U Multipurpose Building (GSG) into a room that is ready to be […]
BANDUNG, Telkom University – Telkom University together with Dong-A University from South Korea collaborated to develop the academic and educational sectors. This collaboration is contained in a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed by Telkom University Rector Prof. Adiwijaya and President of Dong-A University Prof. Suk Jung Han, at the Pakuan Building, Bandung City, Monday (9/12). […]
BANDUNG, Telkom University – Bandung Techno Park (BTP) sebagai pusat inkubasi inovasi startup yang terletak di kawasan pendidikan Telkom University menggelar BTP Talk dengan mengangkat tema sumber-sumber pendanaan starup, acara ini berlangsung di Aula Gd. C, Bandung Techno Park, Kamis (6/12). Direktur Bandung Techno Park periode 2018-2019 Dana Sulistyo Kusumo, Ph.D menyampaikan bahwa pada tahun […]
BANDUNG, Telkom University – Bank Indonesia (BI) has launched the Indonesian Standard Quick Response Code (QRIS) in August 2019, according to the Head of the BI Payment System and Money Management System Group Sukarelawati Permana that QRIS will be implemented from January 1, 2020, to come. “At present, there are 23 payment system service providers, […]
BANDUNG, Telkom University – Memperingati Hari Antikorupsi Internasional yang jatuh pada tanggal 9 Desember, Telkom University melalui unit Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence (CTLE), kembali menggelar event tahunan Seminar dan Puncak Penganugerahan Kompetisi Propaganda Antikorupsi 2019 dengan mengusung tema “Bersinergi Melawan Korupsi!” Tujuan utama dari penyelenggaraan rangkaian agenda ini adalah menjaga dan mempertahankan integritas […]
BANDUNG, Telkom University – COPASS or Collective Passion in Art & Design, is an exhibition event organized by the Faculty of Creative Industries through the Visual Communication Design Study Program (DKV Study Program) held at the Hall of the Creative Industries Faculty (Sebatik Building) Telkom University, Wednesday (4 / 12). COPASS 3.0, presented collaborative work […]
BANDUNG, Telkom University – In accordance with the Rector Decree (SK) on Appointment of Deans and Vice Deans in the Telkom University dated December 1, 2019, that on Wednesday, December 4, 2019, in the Hall of the Faculty of Communication and Business, Telkom University Chancellor Prof. Adiwijaya installed 7 Deans and 14 Vice Deans (Wadek) […]
BANDUNG, Telkom University – The Senate Open Session of Telkom University (Tel-U) with the graduation agenda of Masters, Bachelors, and Associate Experts Period I Academic Year 2019/2020 was held on Friday & Saturday (29-30 November 2019). The hearing was held at the Bengal Building or Telkom University Convention Hall (TUCH). In this opportunity Dr. Ismail […]