BANDUNG, Telkom University – Financial Services Authority (OJK) together with Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) Telkom University held a Studium Generale event which was attended by FEB students at Damar Building Telkom University Friday (12/14). Enitled “Acceleration of Fintech & Financial Inclusion” this event was one of the follow-ups of the MoU between Telkom […]
BANDUNG, Telkom University – A total of 3 Expert Groups (KK) and 10 Telkom University Researchers received appreciation from Telkom Education Foundation, which took place in Bangkit Building 2nd Floor, Friday (12/14). This award was given by Dr. Heroe Wijanto as VP of Higher Education Strategic Policy of Telkom Education Foundation accompanied by Miftadi Sudjai […]
Jakarta, Ritz Carlton – Telkom University terus berupaya memberikan yang terbaik bagi lulusan yang ingin berkontribusi ke dunia profesional, salah satunya adalah dengan menjalin kerjasama sebesar-besarnya dengan industri/perusahaan salah satunya melalui event Industrial Gathering & Best Employer Award 2018 yang mengusung tema Leadership from The Beginning of a Career pada Kamis, (13/12). Kegiatan ini bertujuan […]
BANDUNG, Telkom University – Morningstar Game Studio Team consisting of Fajrul Falakh N and Ihsan Fikri Salmi students of Telkom University (Tel-U) Faculty of Creative Industry (FIK) exhibited their game at Level UP KL event in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia, last October. In the exhibition, a game called Kaliyuga: The Dark Ages won the SEA Games […]
BANDUNG, Telkom University – Faculty of Electrical Engineering (FTE) Telkom University in collaboration with the IEEE Communications Society and IEEE Signal Processing Society Indonesia Chapter again organized the 4th International Conference on Control Electronics, Renewable Energy, and Communications 2018 (ICCEREC) which went on from December 5-7 2018, at El Royale Hotel Bandung. Sigit Yuwono, Ph.D […]
BANDUNG, Telkom University – Characteristics of happy people are people who do not corrupt, because people who do not do any corruption they will not be afraid of appearing in public with whatever they have, unlike corruptors who have assets but will not dare to show them. This was revealed by Prof. Haryono Umar as […]
Bandung – Lebih dari 100 mahasiswa dan dosen Telkom University dikirim ke bantaran Sungai Citarum Sektor 7 untuk pengabdian masyarakat sekaligus mendukung program pemerintah yaitu Citarum Harum. Ada beberapa kegiatan yang dilakukan di lokasi, seperti penyerahan Insinerator, alat pengolah limbah plastik, edukasi gaya hidup sehat, dan menggambar mural untuk memperindah bantaran sungai. Insinerator merupakan alat […]
Fakultas Industri Kreatif (FIK) Telkom University menggelar Collective Passion Art & Design (COPASS 2.0) di Gd. Manterawu pada Senin, (3/12). Ini merupakan pameran karya mahasiswa Studio 3 dan Studio 5 dari Program Studi Manajemen Desain. Event ini bertujuan untuk memperkenalkan hasil karya mahasiswa FIK untuk dilihat khalayak luas. Bahwa tugas mahasiswa bukan sekedar tugas di […]
BANDUNG, Telkom University – Governor of West Java Ridwan Kamil tried Telkom University’s latest innovation, Telkom Electricity Car, at technology and innovation exhibition at Habibie Festival 2018 at Telkom University Convention Hall (TUCH) Friday 30 November 2018. The governor, who is familiarly called Kang Emil, also opened the Festival which featured various innovations and technological […]
BANDUNG, Telkom University – As a private university (PTS) that has won a lot of international accreditation, Telkom University together with APTIKOM (Indonesian Computer Science Higher Education Association) and IABEE (Indonesia Accreditation Board for Engineering Education) organized IABEE International Accreditation Workshop for Computing Disciplines which was attended by no less than 65 participants from all […]