Countering Terrorism and Radicalism in Campus Environment

BANDUNG, Telkom University – Telkom University in collaboration with the National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT) held a webinar with the theme ‘Countering Terrorism and Radicalism in the Campus Environment’. This activity was held on Tuesday (28/09) through the ZOOM Meeting and was attended by the Academic Community of Telkom University.

Prof. Dr. Adiwijaya as the Rector of Telkom University explained that this activity was held to increase the sense of nationalism in the context of preventing terrorism and radicalism, especially in the campus environment.

“Society in this era of globalization certainly cannot be prevented, we as citizens cannot avoid digital disruption. But if we can understand and inculcate anti-radicalism and terrorism, it can be implemented in daily life, both as campus residents and as citizens of Indonesia.”

In this webinar, the material was delivered directly by the Head of BNPT. COMMISSIONER. POL. Boy Rafli Amar. As Head of BNPT, KOMJEN. POL. Boy Rafli Amar explained that three attitudes need to be avoided and are a threat to the Republic of Indonesia, namely intolerance, radicalism, and terrorism.

“The three attitudes are a series of behaviors based on the mindset of each individual that can give birth to actions that violate the law and harm the community at large because they are carried out in public spaces.”

Intolerance is a negative orientation or rejection of a person towards the political and social rights of a group that he does not agree with. His intolerance can be in the form of thoughts and views on something that is manifested through words and actions that can exist in the community.

Radicalism is an ideology, idea, or idea and understanding to encourage someone to take action in a social and political system by using violent or extreme means. Radicalism also includes cultivating intolerant, anti-Pancasila, anti-NKRI attitudes, spreading takfiri, and causing national disintegration.

According to Law no. 5 of 2018, Terrorism is an act that uses violence or threats that creates an atmosphere of terror or widespread fear, which can cause victims with ideological, political, or security disturbance motives.

To tackle terrorism, it is necessary to have synergy between ministries/agencies. This is done as early prevention by understanding, improving, and always being ready and counteracting the causes of acts of terrorism from its roots. Through collaboration with universities, BNPT can reduce thoughts of intolerance and radicalism that can harm the wider community.

“Several things can be done to prevent intolerance, radicalism and terrorism in the campus environment, including broadening religious, national, socio-political horizons and increasing welfare, justice and humanity as well as being wise in social media.”

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