Kumoh National Institute of Technology Korea and Tel-U Collaborative Research Initiation

Bandung, Telkom University – As a world-class university, Telkom University continues to strive to build national and international collaboration networks, as evidenced by the visit of Kumoh National Institute of Technology, located in Gumi, South Korea, on Thursday (23/2) to the School of Electrical Engineering to initiate research collaboration in the fields of Metaverse and […]

Innovation Product of Tel-U Students: Selaawi Smart Market (SMART)

Bandung, Telkom University – To assist the marketing process of Mekarsari Village bamboo products, Telkom University students created an innovative product called Selaawi Smart Market (SMART) to facilitate craftsmen in Mekarsari Village to market their products directly to end-users. SMART also successfully entered the Top 150 in the Innovillage program. SMART was developed by three […]

fasilitasunggulan 1

Learning Public Relations, Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta University Visits Tel-U

Bandung, Telkom University – Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta University (UMY) visited Telkom University (Tel-U) on Tuesday (21/2) at Telkom University Landmark Tower (TULT). During the visit, the Head of Public Relations and Protocol Division of UMY, Hijriyah Oktaviani, S.IP., M.M., and her staff were warmly welcomed by Tel-U Public Relations & Analytics Team. The topic of discussion […]

Rabu Nusantara, Tel-U Takes Steps to Strengthen Corporate Culture

The Directorate of Human Capital Management (SDM) of Tel-U held an event named ‘Kersa Warming Up’, which serves as a kick-off program for Tel-U’s Cultural Program in 2023. The event took place in Rumah Joglo Tel-U on Tuesday (22/2) in the presence of every KIPAS BUDAYA – Kersa team at Telkom University. The ‘Kersa Warming […]

Kerupuk Komang

Teknologi IoT Membantu Efisiensi Produksi Kerupuk Kamang

Teknologi IoT sudah banyak dikembangkan di berbagai bidang industri, seperti pertanian, transportasi, kesehatan, dan lain-lain. keuntungan dari penggunaan teknologi IoT dapat meningkatkan efisiensi, mengoptimalkan produksi, meningkatkan kualitas produk, meningkatkan pengawasan dan kontrol, serta mengurangi biaya produksi. Oleh karena itu berbagai sektor sudah mulai menggunakan teknologi IoT, salah satu contohnya seperti proses pembuatan kerupuk Kamang di […]

Riky Siswanto Attains a Doctoral Degree: Strengthening MSMEs’ Digital Branding towards Global Market

Lecturer of Schools of Creative Industries Telkom University, Riky Azharyandi Siswanto, Ph.D. succeeded in obtaining a doctoral degree in the field of Visual Identity Branding. The visual communication design (DKV) lecturer carried out the online Viva Voice Examination on Thursday (9/2) at Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM). Riky stated that his dissertation entitled ‘The New Digital […]

Mesin Akselerator Berbahan Limbah Ceri Kopi Berbasis IoT

IoT-based Coffee Cherry Waste-Based Accelerator Machine

Bandung, February 21, 2023 With the development of media and technology, Telkom University students created an innovative tool in the form of I-CERYOS (IoT Coffee Cherry to Compost). This innovation is a planting media accelerator machine made from coffee cherry waste based on IoT. I-CERYOS won the achievement as TOP 150 Innovillage 2022. This innovation […]

Mahasiswa Tel-U Meningkatkan Pelayanan Publik di Desa Langonsari

Mahasiswa Tel-U Meningkatkan Pelayanan Publik di Desa Langonsari

Pelayanan publik di Desa Langonsari memiliki kekurangan dan kebutuhan yang belum terpenuhi. Mahasiswa Telkom University memberikan pembaruan inovasi terhadap program sistem pelayanan publik di Desa Langonsari melalui Omnichannel CRM Whatsapp Business API. Tujuannya untuk meningkatkan kualitas dan aksesibilitas pelayanan publik bagi masyarakat Desa Langonsari. Omnichannel CRM Whatsapp Business API adalah sebuah sistem manajemen hubungan pelanggan […]

TelU Raih Anugerah LLDIKTI

Telkom University Sweeps the LLDIKTI IV Awards

BANDUNG, Telkom University – Telkom University successfully swept up 11 awards from LLDIKTI (Higher Education Services Institutes) Region IV West Java-Banten. The awards were presented at the 2023 LLDIKTI Region IV Awards Night which was held on Thursday, February 16, 2023, at the Novotel Tangerang, Tangerang, Banten. At the awards ceremony, Telkom University secured 11 […]