BANDUNG, TEL-U – Gubernur Jawa Barat Ahmad Heryawan mengaku sudah menargetkan seratus ribu wirausaha baru yang dihasilkan dari kerjasama dengan Himpunan Pengusaha Muda Indonesia (HIPMI). Target ini dirumuskan dalam program yang telah dimulai sejak tahun 2013 lalu. “Hingga kini alhamdulillah pemerintah Jawa Barat bersama semua stakeholder telah mengembangkan sedikitnya 60 ribu pengusaha baru koperasi kecil mikro dan menengah secara lintas sektoral,” ujarnya.
BANDUNG, TEL-U – Approximate 244 researchers from 17 countries participated in The 4th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology (ICoICT 2016) held in Hotel Papandayan Bandung lasted on Wednesday (25/5) until Friday (27/5). “From 244 submitted papers, selected 105 papers and 95 of them were presented during the next two days,” said Chairman of the Committee ICoICT 2016, Rusmawati Yanti, PhD.
BANDUNG, TEL-U – Minister of Maritime Coordinator of the Republic of Indonesia (Menko Maritim RI) Rizal Ramli encouraged young entrepreneurs to generate the economic changes in Indonesia.
BANDUNG, TEL-U – West Java Governor, Ahmad Heryawan claimed that have been targeting a hundred thousand new entrepreneurs resulting from cooperation with Indonesian Young Entrepreneurs Association (HIPMI). This target was formulated in the program which began on 2013. “Lead today, Alhamdulillah West Java government with all stakeholders have developed at least 60 thousand new entrepreneurs of small micro and medium entrepreneurs across sectors,” he said.
BANDUNG, TEL-U – Presiden RI Joko Widodo mengajak para pengusaha muda untuk terus berusaha dalam menjalankan bisnisnya serta tidak mudah menyerah. “Jadi pengusaha itu jangan mikir dulu, (tapi) terjuni dulu, terjuni jalani, baru kalau ada persoalan di lapangan diselesaikan. Kalau tidak menyelesaikan ya pasti jatoh, kalau sudah jatoh ya bangkit lagi, harus seperti itu,” ujarnya
BANDUNG, TEL-U – Memperingati Hari Buku Nasional 17 Mei 2016, Perpustakaan Telkom University (Tel-U) menggelar Open Discussion bertajuk “Yang Muda yang Peduli Pendidikan” di Ruang Audio Visual Gedung Bangkit Lt. 4 Perpustakaan Telkom University Jln. Telekomunikasi No. 1 Bandung, Rabu (18/5/16). Hadir sebagai pembicara, Puji Prabowo (27) penggagas Kelompok Belajar Aurora (Kejar Aurora).
BANDUNG, TEL-U – Executive Director & CEO IPMI International Business School, Jimmy M Rifai Gani, MPA punya segudang jurus untuk mendulang kesuksesan di masa digital (Digital Era). Salah satunya, adalah dengan meningkatkan inovasi terus menerus.
BANDUNG, TEL-U – President Joko Widodo encourage young entrepreneurs to persevere in running the business and do not give up easily. “Do not think too much at first, but do it, break the wall! If there were problems in the middle, solve it. Otherwise if there is no willingness to resolve it, failed is the consequence, but raise up after that! “he said.
BANDUNG, TEL-U – Commemorating the National Book Day on May 17, 2016, Telkom University Library (Tel-U) held Open Discussion entitled “Yang Muda Yang Peduli Pendidikan” at the Audio Visual Room Bangkit Building 4th floor Telkom University Library, Jln. Telecommunications No. 1 Bandung on Wednesday (18.05.16). Presented as a speaker, Puji Prabowo (27) the initiator of Kelompok Belajar Aurora (KEJAR AURORA) – Aurora Learning Group, red.
BANDUNG, TEL-U – Executive Director & CEO IPMI International Business School, Jimmy M Rifai Gani, MPA has a myriad of tactics to gain success in digital era. One of them, is to increase innovation continuously.