Perubahan iklim, pemanasan global, gas rumah kaca, serta emisi telah mendapat perhatian serius dari dunia melalui Protokol Kyoto, Paris Climate Agreement, dan Net Zero Emission. Pemerintah juga membuat Kebijakan Nasional yang secara masif mendorong penurunan emisi melalui pemanfaatan energi baru dan energi terbarukan serta program pengembangan kendaraan listrik serta program pemerintah tentang Net Zero Emission […]
Sumatra Institute of Technology (ITERA) visited Telkom University on Friday (10/3) which was held on the sixteenth floor of Telkom University Landmark Tower (TULT) Building. During the visit, ITERA vice rector I Prof. Eng Khairurrijal, M.Si. was greeted cordially by Telkom University vice rector for Research, Innovation, and Cooperation, Dr. Ir. Rina Pudji Astuti. The […]
In October 2022, Telkom University (Tel-U) received an aircraft grant from the Retired First Marshal of Indonesia National Army, Sardjono. Now, this aircraft is used by Tel-U to do research in avionics. The development is based on the desire of Tel-U’s lecturers, Dr. Nina Hendrarini S.T., M.T.; Dr. Duddy Soegiarto S.T., M.T; Ema S.T., M.T […]
Telkom University’s School of Electrical Engineering inaugurated the Center of Excellence Intelligent Railway System (CoE IRS) as a railway system research center at Telkom University in January 2023. The CoE IRS was established in response to the demand for the advancement of railway research, particularly in meeting the needs of operation, maintenance, and diverse solutions […]
Hundreds of Telkom University students planted trees at Situ Cisanti in the upper section of the Citarum river Sector 23. This project is an endeavor to preserve Citarum river’s sustainability, in compliance with Presidential Regulation Number 15 of 2018, titled “Acceleration of Pollution Control and Damage to the Citarum River Basin.” Head of Student Activity […]
Bandung, March 9, 2023. The lecturer of School of Communication and Business (FKB) of Telkom University, Maulana Rezi Ramadhana has successfully acquired a doctoral degree in communication. The title has been officially acquired by him after completing the doctoral promotion open defense at Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) on Monday, (3/6). Rezi mentioned that his dissertation entitled ‘The […]
The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbud Ristek) announced the 2023 Higher Education Clustering on Tuesday (28/2), and Telkom University achieved the Independent Cluster (Highest) based on Research Performance and Community Service once again. “Our strategy in maintaining the Independent Cluster is we continue to maintain the quality of every research activity and […]
Bandung, Telkom University – Facing the growth of the national digital economy, the Directorate of Research and Community Service of Telkom University held Training of Digitalization for MSME Activists in Bandung Regency (3/6) called Platinum (Digitalpreneurship Training for MSME). This event is part of cooperation between Telkom University (Tel-U), Trade and Industry Service Office for Bandung […]
Bandung, March 8 At the SOEs (BUMN) Goes to Campus (BGTC) event which took place at Telkom University on Monday (3/6), a ‘Mobile Legend’ E-Sports Competition was held and was participated by thousands of Telkom University students from various faculties. This event was the synergy between Tel-U and the Ministry of SEOs to support young […]
Bandung, 7 Maret 2023 – Telkom University terpilih menjadi kampus tujuan BUMN Goes to Campus (BGTC), sebuah program yang diselenggarakan oleh Kementerian Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) yang bertujuan memperkenalkan aktivitas dan transformasi BUMN kepada mahasiswa sekaligus menginspirasi generasi muda dalam mengembangkan talenta. Kegiatan ini berlangsung pada Senin (6/3) di Telkom University Convention Hall (TUCH). […]