Isra Mi’Raj in Relation to HEI Culture

Isra MiRaj Dalam Kaitan Budaya HEI

BANDUNG, Telkom University 

Commemorating Isra Mi’Raj of Prophet Muhammad PBUH 1444 H, Telkom University held a study entitled “Imitating the Wisdom from the Journey of the Great Prophet Muhammad PBUH, to Strengthen Value Harmony, Excellence, and Integrity (HEI).”

The program, held in Telkom University Syamsul Ulum Mosques, Thursday (23/2), presented Dr. Eng. Khoirul Anwar, a Director of PUI-AICOMS Telkom University, as a preacher.

Khoirul Anwar said that the connection between the journey of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH during Isra Mi’Raj and HEI culture can be inferred to emphasis on how important spirituality was, how humans related to God, and how calmness fostered peace of mind in working at Telkom University.

“In addition to the significance of spirituality, the wisdom from Prophet Muhammad PBUH’s journey during the Isra Mi’Raj can also provide insights on the importance of leadership, understanding the value of time, harmony in cultural interactions, and conducting effective communication while maintaining harmony,” explained Khoirul.

Regarding the culture of Excellence, Khoirul added that, “Isra Mi’raj teaches us the importance of continuously enhancing and updating our knowledge, keeping up and working hard, as well as improving the quality of teaching. Also, regarding the culture of Integrity, we learn to increase our awareness, commitment, precision, and responsibility,” he said.

The Vice Rector I for Directorate of Academic Affairs Telkom University, Dr. Dadan Rahadian in his speech addressed the theme of Isra Mi’Raj in relation to the culture of Telkom University. Through Harmony, the Prophets defined their obligations to their people based on empathy with the aim of establishing harmony among Muslims.

“In relation to Excellence, as we know, before the Prophet performed Isra and Mi’Raj, he was beset by many calamities, starting from the death of his uncle Abu Talib and his wife Siti Khadijah. Despite these, Allah SWT provided an antidote to the bitterness felt by the Prophet, and made the Prophet Muhammad PBUH as His Apostle, enabling him to provide the best service to his people. As for Integrity, without any faith, we may not believe Isra Mi’Raj. This speaks to our integrity towards our beliefs, honesty, and how we believe in everything wholeheartedly,” said Dadan.

Author: Adrian | Editor: Daris Maulana | Documentation: Public Relations

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