BANDUNG, Telkom University – 2 pembicara pada acara Global Learning Week (GLOW) 2017 yang berlangsung di Gedung Tokong Nanas Lt.8 Telkom University sejak 22 Mei 2017 hingga 3 Juni 2017, menghadirkan AP.Dr. Alexander Van Deursen dan Yudi Fernando, Ph.D.
BANDUNG, Telkom University – Global Learning Week (GLOW) 2017 yang berlangsung sejak 22 Mei 2017 hinggal 3 Juni 2017 di Gedung Tokong Nanas Lt.8 Telkom University. Merupakan kegiatan guna mempelajari budaya dan informasi bermanfaat pada proses belajar dalam konteks internasional khususnya bagi mahasiswa Bisnis dan Teknik. International Class Academic Office (ICAO) Telkom University.
BANDUNG, Telkom University – Untuk mempelajari budaya dan informasi bermanfaat pada proses belajar dalam konteks internasional khususnya bagi mahasiswa Bisnis dan Teknik. International Class Academic Office (ICAO) Telkom University menggelar program akademik Global Learning Week (GLOW) 2017 yang berlangsung di Gedung Tokong Nanas Lt.8 Telkom University.
BANDUNG, Telkom University – Untuk mempelajari budaya dan informasi bermanfaat pada proses belajar dalam konteks internasional khususnya bagi mahasiswa Bisnis dan Teknik. International Class Academic Office (ICAO) Telkom University menggelar program akademik Global Learning Week (GLOW) 2017 yang berlangsung di Gedung Tokong Nanas Lt.8 Telkom University.
Bandung, Telkom University – Untuk menciptakan suati pengalaman kerja tertentu bagi mahasiswa, Telkom University setiap tahun rutin menyelenggarakan Geladi yang merupakan suatu latihan yang telah dirancang secara cermat sebelumnya. Adapun peserta Geladi ialah mahasiswa Telkom University yang telah menyelesaikan kuliah tahun pertama (38 sks) dengan IP > 2,00 dan dilaksanakan khusus oleh mahasiswa Fakultas Teknik Elektro (FTE).
Bandung, Telkom University – Creating a specific work experience for students, Telkom University regularly conducts “Geladi” every year which is a well designed exercise for student. The participants of Geladi are Telkom University students who have completed the first year (38 credits) with IP> 2.00 and specially conducted by students from School of Electrical Engineering (FTE).
JAKARTA, Telkom University – Momentum peringatan hari lahir Pancasila diharapkan mampu merefleksikan kehidupan bangsa yang lebih harmoni, tunggal ika dalam kebhinekaan. Senada itu disampaikan oleh Menteri Dalam Negeri Tjahjo Kumolo saat memberi amanat upacara bendera di halaman Kemendagri, Kamis 1/6.
We would like to invite you to submit your papers to 2017 1st International Conference on Industrial, Enterprise, and System Engineering (ICoIESE) organized by Telkom University. The 1st ICoIESE 2017 will be held at Grand Tjokro Hotel, Bandung, Indonesia. The conference aims to bring together researchers, engineers and practitioners interested in the advances and business applications of information systems. Eight simultaneous tracks will be held, covering different aspects of Soft Computing and Data Mining, Information System, Software Engineering, Enterprise Architecture, Manufacturing System, Industrial and Supply Chain Management, Ergonomics and Human Factors, and Engineering Management. The 1st ICoIESE 2017 has been approved by IEEE for Technical co-sponsorship with conference record number #41400 and Registered and presented papers will be submitted to IEEE Xplore after each paper is thoroughly reviewed and (if any) satisfactorily modified according to the reviewer comments.
Jakarta, 31/5/17. Ketersalingan kepentingan antara industri media massa dan pemerintah makin menguat, hal tersebut disampaikan Dedi Kurnia Syah dalam sidang terbuka promosi Doktor Universitas Sahid (usahid) Jakarta, Rabu (31/5) di Ruang seminary Sekolah Pascasarjana Usahid.
We would like to invite you to submit your papers to 2017 1st International Conference on Industrial, Enterprise, and System Engineering (ICoIESE) organized by Telkom University. The 1st ICoIESE 2017 will be held at Grand Tjokro Hotel, Bandung, Indonesia. The conference aims to bring together researchers, engineers and practitioners interested in the advances and business applications of information systems. Eight simultaneous tracks will be held, covering different aspects of Soft Computing and Data Mining, Information System, Software Engineering, Enterprise Architecture, Manufacturing System, Industrial and Supply Chain Management, Ergonomics and Human Factors, and Engineering Management. The 1st ICoIESE 2017 has been approved by IEEE for Technical co-sponsorship with conference record number #41400 and Registered and presented papers will be submitted to IEEE Xplore after each paper is thoroughly reviewed and (if any) satisfactorily modified according to the reviewer comments.