BANDUNG, Telkom University – 3 Telkom University students from the team of Mayor Wanna Be crowned as 3rd position at Technopreneur Business Plan Kalbis Institute which was held at Kalbis Institute Campus, Pulo Gadung, East Jakarta, May 18 – 20, 2017.
Bandung, Telkom University – International Class Academic Office (ICAO) Telkom University meresmikan sebuah program akademik bernama Global Learning Week (GLOW) 2017 pada Senin, (22/5) di Gd. Tokong Nanas Lt.8, Telkom University. Peresmian ini tidak lain adalah untuk memfasilitasi civitas akademika dalam proses belajar mengajar khususnya mahasiswa Bisnis dan Teknik dengan taraf internasional.
BANDUNG, Telkom University – Telkom University melalui Bagian Pengembangan Pembelajaran (BPP) gelar workshop guna meningkatkan kualitas konten e-learning yang diikuti oleh puluhan dosen Telkom University, di Gedung B Graha Cacuk Sudarjanto, Senin (22/5).
Bandung, Telkom University – International Class Academic Office (ICAO) Telkom University officially launched an academic program called Global Learning Week (GLOW) 2017 on Monday (22/5) in Tokong Nanas building 8th floor, Telkom University. The launching is to facilitate the academic community in the process of teaching and learning, especially students of Business and Engineering with an international class.
BANDUNG, Telkom University – Telkom University through the Learning Development Section (BPP) organized a workshop to improve the quality of e-learning content followed by dozens of Telkom University lecturers at Building B Graha Cacuk Sudarjanto on Monday (22/5).
Global Learning Week 2017
Bandung, Telkom University – Kompetisi Pariwisata Indonesia kembali digelar sebagai wadah meningkatkan potensi khususnya untuk siswa dan mahasiswa di bidang pariwisata. Kompetisi yang sudah memasuki tahun ke-8 ini akan dilaksanakan selama tiga hari dari 17 – 19 Mei 2017 yang tersebar di beberapa perguruan tinggi di kota Bandung, termasuk Fakultas Ilmu Terapan (FIT), Telkom University.
BANDUNG, Telkom University – Telkom Unviersity kembali menjalin kerjasama dengan asosiasi profesi bagi para dosen maupu praktisi untuk mengembangkan sector keuangan dan ekonomi di Indonesia, Association of Lecturers for Financial and Economic Development (ALFED) di aula gedung Intata, Fakultas Komunikasi dan Bisnis (FKB) Telkom University, Jum’at (19/5).
Global Learning Week 2017
Bandung, Telkom University – Indonesia Tourism Competition is back on stage as a forum to increase the potential, especially for students field of tourism. Competition that has entered the 8th year will be held for three days from 17 to 19 May 2017 spread across several universities in the city of Bandung, including the Faculty of Applied Sciences (FIT), Telkom University.