Category: News


Venita Astrio, FKB Student Chosen as GenRe Ambassador Bandung 2015

BANDUNG, TEL-U – Venita Astrio, student of Communication Sciences Faculty of Communication and Business Telkom University (FKB Tel-U) managed to win second place as Student Ambassador GenRe Bandung 2015. This event was held by the Women’s Empowerment and Family Planning Agency (BPPKB) Bandung, Saturday ( 9/5). Generation Planning (GenRe) is a government program created to support the Family Planning (KB).


Company Must Have an Environmental Responsibility, Not ‘Greenwashing’

BANDUNG, TEL-U – Nowadays, the spirit of the green revolution seems to be the trend of companies imaging. Tactic was intensified by various forms of promotional activities themed 'go green'. Watch out, if the 'go green' was created just for the imaging and the positive impression. It may be that the company is just 'greenwashing' and not take real responsibility of the environment.

CS Lomba Robotik

Tel-U Encourage Students Actively Participate in SMK Robotics Competition

BANDUNG, TEL-U – Diploma Study Program of Telecommunication Engineering Telkom University invited teachers and students to actively participated in SMK robotics competition. This invitation expressed in Instructional Media Development Training For Learning Intelligent Robotic Microcontroller For Teachers And Students International work SMK held in laboratories ground floor of Selaru Building, Saturday (9/5).

CS BEM Donor Darah

BEM FKB Tel-U Organized Blood Donor

BANDUNG, TEL – U – The Community Service Department of BEM Faculty Communications and Business Telkom University (BEM FKB Tel-U) in cooperation with Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) held a blood donor, Thursday (30/4). This community service and local community was held on the ground floor of Kawalusu A Building.

CS UKM video sharing

SME (UKM) Can Promote Their Product on Video Sharing

BANDUNG, TEL-U – Video sharing facilities often used for entertainment and information, however it’s not a mistake when used to promote the products of SME (Small and Medium Enterprises). Video sharing facility does not need to be costly. Simply connect to the internet, upload promotional video materials, and promote its products.

Syaif IMEV

Syaif Muhami Shidiq, 1st Winner on Challenge Invention Mechanical Engineering 2015

BANDUNG, TEL-U – Scissor Lift known as stair shaped like scissors that used in the world of work to reach high objects. In a construction job or mechanical, Scissor lifts are needed to reach difficult areas to reach vertically. On the Invention competition Mechanical Engineering Design Competition (IMEV) 2015, a student of Industrial Engineering Faculty of Engineering Industries, Telkom University (Tel-U) 2013, Syaif Muhami shidiq perform redesign on the lifts Scissor to make it safer for workers.