Bandung – Panggung leader’s talk kembali di gelar, kali ini Telkom University kedatangan seorang tamu istimewa yang merupakan mantan karyawan Google dan Amazon, dengan segudang pengalaman menarik untuk membantu mahasiswa membangun start up company pertama mereka. Dia adalah VP Engineering Tokopedia, yaitu Herman Widjaja. Beliau hadir menyapa mahasiswa Telkom University pada Selasa, (27/11) di Aula […]
JAKARTA, Telkom University – ASEAN countries, one of which is Indonesia as a country located in the “Ring of Fire” or in other words vulnerable to natural disasters requires Indonesian people to always be cautious about natural disasters that will be faced. In view of this, ICT Virtual Organization of ASEAN Institutes and NICT Japan […]
Bandung, Telkom University – The development of technology can no longer be denied, this is evidenced by many electronic transactions that came out, one of which is blockchain technology. Blockchain is one of the technologies that became the spotlight in 2018. This technology is even claimed to be able to make business processes far more […]
Bandung, – Telkom University – ICAO (International Class Academic Office) held a Meeting of Students’ Parents Association on Thursday (29/11) in the auditorium of Creative Industry Faculty, Sebatik building, Telkom University. The meeting which was attended by Parents and Guardians of the international class students went smoothly with the agenda of get together meeting and […]
Bandung, Telkom University – through the Learning Development Division (BPP) held a workshop to improve the quality of e-learning content followed by lecturers of Telkom University, at Tokong Nanas Building, Tuesday (11/27). E-learning itself is a system or education concept that utilizes information technology in teaching and learning process. Learning is arranged using an electronic […]
BANDUNG, Telkom University – Minister of Tourism of the Republic of Indonesia (Menpar RI) Dr. Arief Yahya explained that currently digital marketing process is 4 times more effective than conventional media. “The digital marketing process is more effective because our current customers are millennial generation, 70% of which exist in cyberspace. Social media and digital […]
Bandung – Rektor Telkom University, Prof. Adiwijaya melakukan pertemuan dengan Organisasi Mahasiswa (Ormawa) juga Unit Kegiatan Mahasiswa (UKM) Telkom University di aula Fakultas Komunikasi Bisnis (FKB) pada jumat (16/11). Acara ini bernama CREATOR (Cerita Bareng Rektor), merupakan kegiatan rutin yang dilakukan Rektor untuk lebih dekat dengan mahasiswa Telkom University. Diskusi semakin menarik kala mahasiswa mempertanyakan […]
BANDUNG, TELKOM UNIVERSITY – Sidang Terbuka Senat Telkom University (Tel-U) dengan agenda wisuda ke-16 Magister, Sarjana, dan Ahli Madya Periode I Tahun Akademik 2018/2019 diselenggarakan pada Jumat & Sabtu (23 & 24 November 2018). Sidang yang diselenggarakan di Gedung Benggala atau Telkom University Convention Hall (TUCH) ini mengukuhkan 2.572 wisudawan dari 27 program studi, di antara […]
BANDUNG, Telkom University – As a university that focuses on the quality of education in Indonesia, Telkom University has a social responsibility for the availability of access to education for the community. Understanding this, Telkom University routinely provides scholarship funds of 30 billion annually to new students in 2019 and also to existing students. “This […]
BANDUNG, Telkom University – Sebagai perguruan tinggi yang fokus akan kualitas pendidikan di Indonesia, Telkom University memiliki tanggung jawab sosial ketersediaan akses pendidikan bagi masyarakat. Memahami hal tersebut Telkom University secara rutin setiap tahunnya memberikan dana beasiswa sebesar 30 milliar kepada mahasiswa baru di tahun 2019 dan juga kepada mahasiswa eksisting. “Pada tahun ini Telkom […]