As one of the forms of innovation and research implementation, Telkom University’s students developed the information system for tourism in Kampung Todo, East Nusa Tenggara. This development was taken by underlying the potential of the tourism village in Kampung Todo which is full of tradition and is not yet integrated to digital media with an […]
Bandung, 2 Maret 2023 Sebuah aktivitas riset pada dasarnya bertujuan untuk menyelesaikan masalah agar dapat melakukan perbaikan dalam memenuhi kebutuhan publik. Untuk itu, riset tidak hanya dilakukan berdasarkan perspektif peneliti, tetapi melibatkan banyak perspektif pendukung lainnya agar menghasilkan output yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan. Riset yang bersumber dari perspektif kebutuhan calon konsumen merupakan aspek penting agar […]
Under the responsibility to perform research as part of the Tri Dharma research assignment, Telkom University lecturers create a large amount of research each year. The quantity of research has to be handled and developed further by incorporating industry and MSMEs in order to create products with benefits and selling value. As a way to organize […]
BARCELONA, SPANYOL – Indonesia Metaverse Collaboration Initiative secara resmi diluncurkan, hal tersebut bersamaan dengan diumumkannya Metaverse Research & Experience Center (MREC) pada tanggal 1 Maret 2023 dalam acara Mobile World Congress 2023 di Barcelona. MREC adalah sebuah public-private partnership yang bertujuan untuk mempromosikan kolaborasi, penelitian, inovasi, dan pengembangan di bidang teknologi metaverse. Acara peluncuran ini […]
Pertumbuhan kendaraan listrik di Indonesia terus bertambah setiap tahun, Kementerian Perhubungan melaporkan jumlah kendaraan listrik yang sudah mengaspal di Indonesia, hingga 25 Oktober 2022 tercatat total sebanyak 31.827 unit kendaraan listrik yang telah memiliki Sertifikat Registrasi Uji Tipe (SRUT). Berdasarkan data tersebut, Telkom University melihat peluang untuk berkontribusi dalam penelitian dan pengembangan produk inovasi di […]
Telkom University (Tel-U) dan PT Jakarta Infrastruktur Propertindo (JIP) secara resmi menjalin kerjasama. Penandatanganan Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) dilakukan oleh Rektor Telkom University Prof. Dr. Adiwijaya dan Direktur Utama JIP, Araf Anbiya, pada Selasa (28/2), bertempat di Gedung Bangkit Lantai 5 Tel-U. Ruang lingkup kerjasama yang telah disepakati bertujuan untuk menghadirkan terobosan teknologi dalam mendukung […]
As a university renowned for its expertise in the field of Information Communication & Technology (ICT), Telkom University has a leading research center that focuses on development of artificial intelligence, namely the Research Center Artificial Intelligence for Learning and Optimization (RC AILO). The primary purpose of AILO is reflected in the RC’s vision, which is […]
Prof. Dr. Adiwijaya, rector of Telkom University, received the honor of being an “Empowerment Figure 2022” award at the 2023 Rumah Zakat Public Expose event, which took place on Friday (24/3). The CEO of Rumah Zakat, Irvan Nugraha, presented this award as recognition for being a great figure as an example and inspiration. Prof. Dr. […]
Bandung, February 28, 2023 Sumedang is an area that becomes the center of Sundanese culture as it owns a variety of arts and traditions. One place that holds many cultural narratives and exhibits its own unique experience for each visitor is a museum. This is certainly one of the reasons why museums are a tourist […]
BANDUNG, Telkom University Commemorating Isra Mi’Raj of Prophet Muhammad PBUH 1444 H, Telkom University held a study entitled “Imitating the Wisdom from the Journey of the Great Prophet Muhammad PBUH, to Strengthen Value Harmony, Excellence, and Integrity (HEI).” The program, held in Telkom University Syamsul Ulum Mosques, Thursday (23/2), presented Dr. Eng. Khoirul Anwar, a […]