To improve the welfare of MSMEs in Bandung Regency, lecturers from Bachelor of Communication Science and Bachelor of Accounting have made a collaboration to develop applications for basic financial management learning media that are accessible to MSMEs. Dudi Rustandi M.Ikom, a lecturer of the Communication Science (IKOM) Study Program, disclosed that the average MSMEs actors […]
Bandung, Telkom University – When entering her retirement, Dr. Amalia Djuwita said that her desire to share the knowledge gained when working in the field of public relations (PR) at PT Telkom Indonesia motivated her to work in the field of education. She said it on the sideline of the Executive Board of Telkom University […]
BANDUNG, Telkom University – The Times Higher Education (THE) World University Rankings (WUR) has once again released rankings of universities based on scientific disciplines. According to, Telkom University is ranked first for private university (PTS) in the area of engineering and computer science in Indonesia. Telkom University (Tel-U) is ranked second nationally and 601–800 […]
Pergeseran pola konsumsi masyarakat dari goods-based consumption (konsumsi berbasis barang) menjadi experience-based consumption (konsumsi berbasis pengalaman) menciptakan peluang baru dalam dunia bisnis di Indonesia. Milenial cenderung menyisihkan pendapatan untuk berlibur, minum kopi di cafe, dan membeli barang secara online. Aktivitas ini dikenal dengan Leisure Economy atau ekonomi rekreasi. Potensi atau peluang pasar leisure di Indonesia […]
BANDUNG, 30 JANUARI 2023 Kekerasan dan pelecehan seksual menjadi sebuah hambatan bagi masyarakat untuk dapat melakukan interaksi sosial di ruang publik dengan aman dan nyaman. Terlebih dengan efek trauma yang dihasilkan, masyarakat akan mengalami kecemasan dan ketakutan yang tinggi ketika berada di ruang publik, terutama pada area dengan fasilitas penunjang keamanan beraktivitas yang minim. Tim […]
In November 2022, a team from Telkom University performed a community service at Jakamulya Health Center in Bekasi. Using historical data on the height and weight of toddlers under the age of five (U5) at a health center in Bekasi, Indonesia, this community service seeks to support the development of strategies for preventing malnutrition by […]
Indonesia’s agricultural sector is one of the leading sectors that contribute to the growth of the national economy. According to the website of Indonesia Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs, in 2022 the agricultural sector contributed up to 12,98% for the national economy. To participate in helping the national economy growth in the agricultural sector, School […]
One of Telkom University students was selected to be an awardee of 2022 Indonesian International Students Mobility Awards (IISMA). His name is Attif Muhammad Dzaky, a student of Bachelor of Visual Communication Design (DKV) batch 2019 from School of Creative Industries (FIK). Attif was chosen as a 2022 IISMA awardee and has the opportunity to […]
Bandung, January 24, 2023 In supporting the Certified Internship or Independent Study program, Telkom University Academic Development Section (BPA) collaborates with PT Mari Belajar Indonesia Cerdas and Microsoft to hold a Dissemination of “Mari Belajar Independent Study” which was carried out online through a Zoom meeting (20/1). The Independent Study Program is a component of […]
Seiring dengan Perkembangan media dan teknologi, masyarakat juga mengalami kemudahan dalam beraktifitas. Contohnya saja, dahulu petani menjual hasil panen harus melalui pengepul untuk menjual hasil panen mereka, sekarang petani bisa menjual hasil panen ke pembeli langsung tanpa melalui pengepul. Media yang digunakan juga beraneka ragam, salah satunya dengan menggunakan aplikasi ByTani. ByTani sendiri merupakan aplikasi […]