BANDUNG, TEL-U – Telkom University (Tel-U) and the University of Defense (UNHAN) establisheed cooperation in order to achieve Tridharma University. The agreement was contained in a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed by the Rector of Telkom University, Prof. Ir Mochamad Ashari, M Eng, PhD, and the Rector of the Lt. TNI I Wayan Midhio, M Phil.
BANDUNG, TEL-U – Telkom University (Tel-U) secara resmi meluncurkan open library dalam acara Telkom University Literacy Event 2016 yang diselenggarakan di Gedung Manterawu, Kamis (29/9)
BANDUNG, TEL-U – Telkom University (Tel-U) officially launched the open library in the event of Telkom University Literacy Event 2016 held at the Manterawu Building, Thursday (29/9).
BANDUNG, TEL-U – Tiga mahasiswa Telkom University (Tel-U) yang tergabung dalam Unit Kegiatan Mahasiswa (UKM) Search berhasil meraih juara 2 dalam lomba trilogy of coin (Creative Objective Intelective Inspiirative) yang diadakan oleh Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa (BEM) Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Jendral Soedirman (Unsoed) di Purwokerto, Jumat-Sabtu (23-24/9)
BANDUNG, TEL-U – Three students of Telkom University (Tel-U) who are members of Search won 2nd place in the competition trilogy of COIN (Creative Objective Intellective Inspirational) held by the Student Executive Board (BEM) Faculty Economics and Business, University of General Sudirman in Purwokerto, Friday-Saturday (23-24 / 9).
BANDUNG, TEL-U – Pergeseran paradigma pembelajaran dari Teacher-Centered (proses belajar bertumpu pada guru atau dosen) menjadi Learner-Centered atau Student-Centered (proses belajar bertumpu pada siswa atau mahasiswa) menuntut dosen untuk terus mengembangkan kemampuan mengajarnya
IEEE Distinguished Lecturer Program,
BANDUNG, TEL-U – Paradigm shift from Teacher-Centered learning (learning process relies on a teacher or lecturer) becomes Learner-Centered or Student-Centered (the learning process rests on the student) requires lecturers to develop the teaching abilities.
IEEE Distinguished Lecturer Program
BANDUNG, TEL-U – Dalam menyambut 3rd Anniversary Telkom University (Tel-U), Bagian Kemahasiwaan menggelar kegiatan yang bertajuk Pasar Kreatif. Bertempat di halaman depan Gedung Sebatik Fakultas Industri Kreatif (FIK), Pasar Kreatif dibuka oleh Rektor Tel-U, Prof Ir Mochamad Ashari, M Eng, PhD beserta Ketua Pelaksana 3rd Anniversary, Dr Ir Dida Dyah Damayanti, M.EngSC di sela-sela acara Jalan Santai, Kamis (22/9)