BANDUNG, TEL-U – Diversity of culture become something that cannot be denied its existence in this country. Through cultural diversity, relations between countries could more closely. Harmony in Diversity set as theme of this International Language and Culture Festival (ILCF) 2015, which held in Tel-U Convention Hall, Saturday (5/9).
BANDUNG, TEL – U – Whether or not the world community is now confronted with changes in information and communication technology (ICT) is so rapid. The presence of Internet has become a part of life. Social media, blogs, online petitions and online news media and other applications allow people to channel their opinions in public with ease.
BANDUNG, TEL-U -Era Masyarakat Ekonomi Asean (MEA) memungkinkan arus tenaga kerja tak terbatas. Hal itu bisa menjadi peluang ataupun tantangan. Tantangannya, tenaga kerja asing bisa saja masuk ke Indonesia. Sedangkan peluangnya, SDM Indonesia juga bisa bekerja di negara Asean lainnya. Menyikapi tantangan dan peluang ini, mahasiswa sebaiknya mempersiapkan diri agar lebih siap menghadapi persaingan. Salah satunya dengan program sertifikasi SAP.
BANDUNG, TEL-U – The build process of public facilities in Bandung city, in addition to beautify the city surface are also intended to provoke fresh ideas of young people in the Flower City.
BANDUNG, TEL-U – BEM Faculty of Communication and Business through the Department of Community Services held a Green Action on Saturday. With the theme “Keep It Green, Keep It Clean”, this action aims to realize the sensitivity of real action on the environment, especially college students around Telkom University (Tel-U). This action also invites students to green and always keeping the environment clean.
BANDUNG, TEL- U – Tedi Gunawan could not hide the happiness. As soon as his name was called by MC, lecturer of Computer Engineering Faculty of Applied Science (FIT) was straight up received a motorcycle that had just achieved. Tedi won the door prize at Fun Walk Tel-U 2nd Anniversary on Friday morning (28/8).
BANDUNG, TEL-U – To help public in obtaining electricity, Telkom University Faculty of Engineering Industry (FRI Tel-U) test applying the wind turbine power plant at 10th Floor Telkom University Lecture Center (TULC), Tokong Nanas building. The wind turbine performance tested since Thursday (3/9) to the next two weeks.
BANDUNG, TEL-U – Rector of Telkom University (Tel-U) Prof. Dr. Mochammad Ashari, M.Eng., Ph.D. welcomed new international students this year, in Bangkit building, Monday (31/8). Those International students come from 11 countries: United States, Venezuela, Italy, Hungary, Zimbabwe, Cambodia, Tarzikistan, Afghanistan, Vietnam, Malaysia and Bangladesh.
JAKARTA,TEL-U– Indonesia kini sudah memasuki era Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN (MEA). Oleh karenanya, Sumber Daya Manusia Indonesia harus dipersiapkan menjadi SDM yang dapat membawa Bangsa Indonesia memenangkan persaingan. Menteri Komunikasi dan Informasi (Menkominfo) Rudiantara berpendapat mahasiswa harus memiliki role model dan memiliki visi setelah mereka lulus kuliah.
BANDUNG, TEL-U – Telkom Profesional Certification Centre (TPCC) Telkom University (Tel-U) mewisuda 108 lulusannya, Sabtu (12/9). Mereka terdiri dari 16 orang lulusan program Application Development Professional (ADP), 24 orang lulusan program Web Development Professional (WDP), 14 orang lulusan program Graphic Design Professional (GDP), 24 orang lulusan Network Admininstration Professional (NAP), 26 orang lulusan Creative Multimedia Professional (CMP), dan 4 orang lulusan IT Accounting Professional (IAP).