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Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering (Computer System)

Undergraduate Degree of Computer Engineering Program was established based on the Decree of National Accreditation Board for Higher Education, Department of Education, Republic of Indonesia Number. 108/DT/2007 dated January 16th, 2007.

The curriculum of this program was designed with total credits of 144 for 4 years/8 semesters. For students who can maintain their GPA above 3.00 at the end of each semester, the faculty provides them Acceleration Program in which they can undertake their study in 3.5 years/7 semesters. 


To be recognized as an international standard Bachelor of Engineering program of Computer Engineering that graduates engineers in the field of computers.

  1. Organizing an international standard education to produce graduates who mastered in computer engineering and technology.

  2. Organizing an international qualified research in the field of computer engineering and technology with actively students involvement.

  3. Running a community service by disseminating the research results of computer engineering and technology  to the general public by actively involving students.

  4. Providing knowledge and practical skills for students to be self-learners and entrepreneurs in the field of information and communication technology, particularly in the field of computers.

  1. Creating graduates who have competent, capable to develop themselves, and become an entrepreneur in the field of Computer Engineering professionally at national and international level.

  2. Producing creative and innovative products in the field of Computer Engineering accordance with community's demands and needs at national and international level.

  3. Acticely contribute in industry development on scientific Computer Engineering application.


Learning Outcome S1 Computer Engineering Program

Main Competencies of Bachelor Degree Computer Engineering Program:

  1. Capable to apply basic knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering, skills, and engineering tools in analyzing and solving the computer engineering problem.
  2. Capable to master the development of computer technology, network technology and telecommunications.
  3. Capable to identify, formulate, and solve the problem by adhering to the rules of professional (using the latest tools in engineering activities, computer networks and telecommunications).
  4. Capable to design, conduct experiments, and perform analysis and interpretation of data. Highlights include:
    1. Having ability on Security Systems, Computer Network Design and telecommunication.
    2. Having ability to analyze and design software systems for micro-computers – based system and computer networks and telecommunications
    3. Having ability to design computer systems (hardware / embedded system), simple systems with microcomputers – based system and computer networks and telecommunications
    4. Having ability on designing and building intelligent system.
  5. Capable in doing programming at least able to run a programming software and a software application. Highlights include:
    1. Having ability to code the software system for micro-computers – based system and computer networks and telecommunications
    2. Having ability on Mobile Computing for Network and telecommunication.

Supported Competencies of Bachelor Degree Computer Engineering Program:

  1. Capable to communicate (both Indonesian and English) and interact positively both individually and as well as within a team of multidisciplinary.
  2. Comprehend the responsibility and professional ethics.
  3. Understand the attitude and skills of good entrepreneurship either individually or multidisciplinary team work.

Other Competencies of Bachelor Degree Computer Engineering Program:

  1. Embracing one of the official religion in Indonesia
  2. Comprehend the general knowledge to understand the effect of engineering solutions in a social context or the global context.
  3. Having the awareness to do lifetime learning and open minded of the alteration.
  4. Having contemporary developments insight particularly on technology.


fasilitasunggulan 1

S1 Computer Engineering (Computer System)

Computer Engineering Undergraduate Program was established based on the Decree of National Accreditation Board for Higher Education, Department of Education, Republic of Indonesia No. 108/DT/2007 dated January 16th, 2007.
The curriculum of this program is designed with total credits of 144 for 4 years/8 semesters. For students who can maintain their GPA above 3.00 at the end of each semester, the faculty provides them Acceleration Program in which they can undertake their study in 3.5 years/7 semesters. 

V i s i o n 

Become excellent Computer Engineering undergraduate program in South East Asia by the year of 2020 that produces graduates who have Mobile Computing System skills, are able to adjust themselves with the development of updated computer technology.

M i s i o n s
  1. Implement excellent education in South East Asia to produce graduates who are skillful in computer technology and science concerning Mobile Computing System supported by telecommunication, computer network, and embedded system knowledge.   
  2. Conduct international class and research concerning computer engineering based on information technology and computer communication by involving students actively.  
  3. Execute community service with the principle of disseminating research result regarding computer technology and science to community by involving students actively.  
  4. Equip the students with practical knowledge to be able to work, develop themselves, and become entrepreneur in the field of information technology and computer communication.
O b j e c t i v e
  1. Improving competence and competitiveness for servicing industry, community and nation.  
  2. Creating competent and professional graduates who are able to develop themselves and be entrepreneur in the field of computer system.  
  3. Creating creative and innovative works in computer system field according to the demands and needs, nationally and internationally.  
  4. Contributing to industrial development and on the application of computer system.
C o m p e t e n c e
  1. Skills in the application of math, science, and engineering knowledge  
  2. Knowledge on engineering tools for analyzing and solving computer system problem.  
  3. Ability to control the development of computer technology, computer network, and telecommunication.  
  4. Skills to identify, formulate and solve the problem according to professional conducts (using the newest tools in the activity of computer engineering, computer network and telecommunication).      
  5. kills in programming and using software program and software application, including:      
  6. Coding for micro-computer based system, computer network, and telecommunication.      
  7. Mobile Computing in computer network and telecommunication.  
  8. Communication skill (both Indonesia and English) to interact positively both individually and in team.  
  9. Responsibility and work ethics.  
  10. Good attitude and entrepreneurship skills both individually and in team.  
  11. Understanding of any admitted religions in Indonesia.  
  12. General knowledge to understand the influence of engineering solution in social context and global context.  
  13. Willingness for long-life learning and open-mind regarding every development.  
  14. Knowledge regarding the development of contemporary technology in the field of computer system.
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S1 Industrial Engineering

Industrial Engineering is accredited A based on the Decree of National Accreditation Board for Higher Education, Department of Education, Republic of Indonesia No. 006/BAN-PT/Ak-XII/S1/IV/2009 dated April 30th, 2009.
The curriculum of this study program is designed with the total of 145 credits for 4 years/8 semesters. For students who can maintain their GPA above 3.00 at the end of each semester, the faculty provides them Acceleration Program in which they can undertake their study in 3.5 years/7 semesters. 

V i s i o n s

Become excellent Industrial Engineering undergraduate program that produces competent experts in managing ICT industry and contribute to society by developing Indonesia smart community. 

M i s s i o n s

Provide educational and research activities, community service, and ICT industry through empowerment of human resources optimally and synergistically with other parties to guarantee the development and improvement of the study program’s quality, accountability, function and role.

O b j e c t i v e

Provide graduates who:

  1. Comprehend fundamental knowledge and skills of industrial engineering to find, comprehend, explain, and formulate solution to problems related to industry;
  2. Have capability to apply industrial knowledge and skill productively in doing activities and services to society related to ICT righteously;
  3. Present good behavior when working as industrial experts both in communication and information field, and in social life;
  4. Have capability to actively participate the development of science and technology concerning industrial engineering and ICT.
fasilitasunggulan 1

Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering

Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering is accredited 'A' rate based on the Decree of National Accreditation Board for Higher Education, Department of Education, Republic of Indonesia No. 006/BAN-PT/Ak-XII/S1/IV/2009 dated April 30th, 2009.
The curriculum of this study program is designed with the total of 145 credits for 4 years/8 semesters. For students who can maintain their GPA above 3.00 at the end of each semester, the faculty provides them Acceleration Program in which they can undertake their study in 3.5 years/7 semesters. 


Become excellent Industrial Engineering undergraduate program that produces competent experts in managing ICT industry and contribute to society by developing Indonesia smart community. 


Provide educational and research activities, community service, and ICT industry through empowerment of human resources optimally and synergistically with other parties to guarantee the development and improvement of the study program’s quality, accountability, function and role.


Provide graduates who:

  1. Comprehend fundamental knowledge and skills of industrial engineering to find, comprehend, explain, and formulate solution to problems related to industry;  
  2. Have capability to apply industrial knowledge and skill productively in doing activities and services to society related to ICT righteously;  
  3. Present good behavior when working as industrial experts both in communication and information field, and in social life;  
  4. Have capability to actively participate the development of science and technology concerning industrial engineering and ICT.


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D3 Teknik Informatika

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V i s i

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M i s i

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Program Educational Objectives

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Program Outcomes

Coming Soon..

fasilitasunggulan 1

Bachelor of Applied Science in Informatics Engineering

Bachelor of Applied Science in Informatics Engineering (Diploma of Informatics Engineering) Study Program was accredited with an 'A' rating by Decree of National Accreditation Board for Higher Education Ministry of Education and Culture of Republic Indonesia Number. 001 / BAN-PT / Ak-IV / above sea-III / I / 2005 ,January 28th, 2005.

Curriculum of Diploma in Informatics Engineering Study Program designed with a total load of 111 credits for the course duration 3 years / 6 semesters.


Become a great Study Program that delivers quality educational programs , producing Bachelor who is Techniques expert, capable develop themselves in the field of information technology and create a better life for societies.



  • Enforcing Education, research, community service, and quality of service industries in the field of information technology
  • Developing quality academic environment through the increasing of scientific activities, information management systems, and human resources.
  • Empowering laboratories as the spearhead of implementing and supporting the lecturing process.
  • Implementing and developing a curriculum that is able to accommodate the expected competencies of graduates user. 
  • Increasing cooperation with other institutions in the development of Higher Education Tri-dharma


Produces Expert Associate of Engineering who have knowledge and expertise in the field of engineering and informatics systems insifhtful of technology and telecommunications business, also able to follow the development of science and information technology.

The official website


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D3 Teknik Telekomunikasi

Coming Soon..

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M i s i

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Program Educational Objectives

Coming Soon..

Program Outcomes

Coming Soon..

fasilitasunggulan 1

Bachelor of Applied Science in Telecommunications Engineering-Diploma Telecommunication Engineering

 Bachelor of Applied Science (Diploma) in Telecommunication Engineering Study Program was accredited with an 'A' rating by Decree of the National Accreditation Board of Higher Education Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic Indonesia Number. 026 / BAN-PT / Ak-XII / above sea-III / X / 2012 ,October 18th, 2012.

Curriculum of Bachelor of Applied Science (Diploma) in Telecommunication Engineering Study Program was designed with a total load of 111 credits for the course duration 3 years / 6 semesters competency-based on national and international in scope.


Being an outstanding vocational education courses in Southeast Asian region in 2020  in the field of information and communication that is capable of producing graduates with professional skills, creating something which benefits society, has integrity and international competitiveness.

  1. Enforcing Vocational education in the field of information and communication, and producing graduates who are able to develop professionalism in the field of transmission and telecommunications networks
  2. Developing instructors and professional academic supporter with international standards and is able to contribute to nation building
  3. Produce works of applied science oriented on needs of industry and society.
  4. Developing partnerships with industries, national and international community
TARGETS (Program Educational Objectives)

Targets implementation of Diploma Telecommunication Engineering Study Program was directed at the graduates to have the following qualifications:

  • Giving students understanding of the basic knowledge and skills to handle both routine work and contextual in the field of telecommunications engineering, including testing, installation, operation and maintenance
  • Giving extensive knowledge to students about contemporary developments in accordance with its competence in the field of telecommunications engineering skills and aspects related to the national and international scope
  • Giving training to students about good communication skills, the ability of a good mastery of the English language, the ability to independently managerial supervision in accordance with the professional ethics of the profession are high performance, ability of personal development independently or attitude of entrepreneurship, has the principle of lifelong learning as well as pious and noble character so they were able to prepare themselves for the complex working environment
  • Provide a learning environment that suits the needs of the working world in the form of an innovative program that is sharp, challenging, open and conducive
Program Outcomes

Telecommunication Engineering Study Program D3 is intended to produce graduates who have:

  1. Wear ability of applied mathematics and applied science in engineering and technology
  2. The ability to do experiments under guidance, compiles the data, measurements, and conduct practical analysis
  3. The ability to do the installation, operation and testing of electronics and telecommunications equipment
  4. Ability to work effectively in teams
  5. Ability to identify, formulate and solve technical problems in the field of telecommunications
  6. The ability to understand the responsibility of ethical, social, and professional associate expert
  7. Ability to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing in the profession
  8. Commitment to quality, timely and continuously make improvements
  9. Awareness of the need for a capability for lifelong learning
  10. Respect for difference and professional knowledge, contemporary social issues and global
  11. Mastery of basic theories and practical electrical engineering and telecommunications to be applied in analyzing engineering problems
  12. The graduates have at least a certificate of international expertise


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Telkom Economy and Business School

Before becoming Faculty of Economics and Business or Telkom Economics and Business School (TEBS), Institut Manajemen Telkom (IM Telkom) was founded in 1990 with the name MBA-Bandung. MBA-Bandung was changed into Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Bandung (STMB) in 1994 and Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Bisnis Telkom (STMB Telkom) in 2004 before it was finally transformed into Telkom Institute of Management (IM Telkom) in 2008. The first campus of MBA Bandung was in Building H & I at Kompleks Pusdiklat Telkom located on Gegerkalong Hilir 47 Bandung.

MBA-Bandung was the pioneer of the first Master Program in Business Administration in West Java, preceding similar programs which were then organized by other universities in Bandung. At the beginning of its establishment, MBA-Bandung fully adopted the schooling system of Asian Institute of Management (AIM) Philippines, which at that time was known as Harvard Business School Asia.  When MBA Bandung was established, Professors from AIM taught and guided the organizing of MBA-Bandung until the Year of 1995.  Under this circumstance, MBA Bandung was successfully listed as the top 7 business school based on SWA magazine, along with IPPM, IPMI, Prasetya Mulya, UI, and ITB by the Year of 1992.

In responding the government regulation concerning the implementation control of MBA program in Indonesia, in 1994, MBA-Bandung transformed its organization into a college or school named Bandung School of Management (STMB). With that status, STMB transformed its MBA program into Master of Management (MM). Furthermore, STMB also varied its master of management programs into Regular MM, Executive MM, and Cooperative Education MM. MM of STMB was accredited A (excellent) by the government of Indonesia.   

Since there was a demand in government regulation that college did not just organize graduate program, along with the wish of Board of PT Telkom Directors (chaired by AA Nasution at that time) for STMB to give more contribution in higher education, in 1997 STMB opened its undergraduate program (S-1/Sarjana). The study program opened in STMB at that time was undergraduate program of Informatics and Telecommunication Business Management (MBTI). The public interest of this study program has been increasing and the fact that many industries wished to hire STMB alumi was quite high. S-1 MBTI STMB was accredited A by government in 2002.

To present stronger identity in business management of telecommunication, in 2004, STMB changed its name into Telkom School of Business Management. This change was followed by the availability of new building for S-1 MBTI new admissions to meet the market demand. Moreover, the graduate program also expands its program to Telecommunication Business MM (MM Biztel). 

The strong existence of STMB Telkom has encouraged the transformation of STMB Telkom into Institut Manajemen Telkom (IM Telkom) in 2008. This transformation was characterized by the addition of study programs in IM Telkom. New study programs that have been offered since 2008 are S-1 Communication Science, S-1 Visual Communication Design, S-1 Accounting, S-1 Commercial Administration, and D-3 Marketing. This transformation was then followed by the establishment of campus facility, which in the beginning the campus was located only at Telkom Learning Center Complex on Jalan Gegerkalong Hilir, but now IM Telkom has two new campuses: one is on Setiabudi and the other is on Dayeuh Kolot.


Become excellent higher education institution in Convergent Management and Business field in Asia in 2021.

  1. Preparing students to be the future leaders of Asia.
  2. Developing world-class knowledge enterprise institution.
  3. Giving determinant contribution for nation independence in global competition.
  1. Produce professional, highly integrated, and entrepreneurial graduates.
  2. Have program studies with accredition of “A” by BAN-PT and receive international accreditation.
  3. Have research center for convergent management and business for all business levels (cooperatives and micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises) and being acknowledged in Asia.
  4. Have market share in convergent management and business consultation which keeps increasing both nationally and regionally in Asia.
  5. Have accredited IM Telkom journals.


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History of Telkom University

Telkom University, Unite for Change

Telkom University was formed out of a merger of four higher education institutions under Telkom Education Foundation. Telkom University was officially founded on July 17th, 2013 based on the Minister of Education and Culture Decree no 270/E/O/2013 concerning the consent of merger of three institutions, namely Telkom Institute of Technology (IT Telkom), Telkom Institute of Management (IM Telkom), and Telkom Polytechnic. But then the decree was renewed with Decree no 309/E/O/2013 declaring that Telkom School of Art and Design (STISI Telkom) joined to become part of Telkom University.

Grand Launching of Telkom University was held on August 31st, 2013 by Minister of Education and Culture, Prof. Dr.Ir. Mohammad Nuh, DEA and was testified by Bandung Regent, Dadang Naser, Chairman of Telkom Education Foundation, Ir. Johni Girsang, M.Sc., and Director of PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk, Ir. Arief Yahya, M.Sc.

Toward World Class University in 2017, Telkom University is striving to reach it by having cooperation with universities abroad, recruiting international students, supporting the publish of ISBN material books, and improving human resource capacity and quality in terms of the number of lecturers to improve academic functional position.

Telkom University campus is located in southern part of Bandung which is about 12 km from central Bandung (Gedung Sate) and it is a strategic location that can be reached by public transportation. The campus site established on 48 hectare ground used to be a historical place where the proclamation of Indonesian Independence was spread throughout Indonesia and the world through 13 broadcasting stations located here. Currently, there are only two broadcasting stations remains that become the historical monument and they are used as antenna laboratory.