RKM Telkom University
RKM Telkom University
BANDUNG-TEL-U- E-Gov Training is conducted for Kabupaten Paser employee in 2 weeks. The opening ceremony is commenced by Rector of Telkom University, Prof. Dr. Ir. Muhammad Ashari, Ph.D in Multimedia Learning Center, Thursday, December 5th, 2013.
RKM Telkom University
RKA Telkom University
Praise the Almighty Lord, Allah SWT, we present the Strategic Plans of Telkom University year of 2014-2017. This is a guideline to achieve our vision in becoming a world-class university which plays an active role in the development of information-technology-based science and arts.
Telkom University determines to be a research university which will continuously improve the quality of teaching process and produce excellent graduates who can compete in national and international communities. Furthermore, Telkom University can produce outstanding research works that can be implemented in local and international industries.
Hopefully, the realizations of this plan will receive supports from all parties to achieve success.
Bandung, December 2013
Rector of Telkom University
Prof. Ir. Mochamad Ashari, M.Eng., Ph.D.
Telkom University is the result of a merging of four educational institutions under Telkom Educational Foundation (YPT). These institutions were Telkom Institute of Technology (IT Telkom), Telkom Institute of Management (IM Telkom), Telkom Indonesian School of Arts and Design (STISI Telkom) and Telkom Polytechnic (Politeknik Telkom). With this merger, Telkom university is expected to further enhance the role in improving the competitiveness of our beloved country, Indonesia’s young generations.
Telkom University strives to become a world-class university which plays an active role in the development of information-technology-based science and arts. This vision is certainly based on the awareness that the condition of Indonesia today presents potentials to incessantly develop aligned with other nations in the world. An effective way to realize this vision is to improve the competitiveness of the graduates through excellent quality of education.
This vision is a contribution and a part of the vision of Indonesia to become a developed country by the year of 2025.
Figure 1. The Vision of Indonesia To Be a Developed and Prosperous Country by the Year of 2025
One of the factors which drives the growth of Indonesian economy is the availability of competitive and productive human resources. The availability of qualified workforces will support the development of Indonesian economy and improve the nation’s power to compete in the field of knowledge-based economy.
As an attempt to achieve the vision of becoming a developed country by the year of 2025, Indonesian government has set a Master Plan regarding the Acceleration and Expansion of Indonesian Economic Development in 2011-2025 (MP3EI) stated in Indonesian Presidential Regulation Number 32 in the year of 2011. In implementing the strategy of MP3EI, there were three important elements, namely: (1.) Developing the economic potentials of the region in Six Economic Corridors (KE); (2.) Strengthening the national connectivity which is locally integrated, globally connected; and (3.) Improving the quality of human resources (HR) as well as national science and technology to support the development of the main programs in each corridor. Related to this, Telkom University has a role in supporting the achievement of the third element, that is, improving the quality of human resources (HR).
Improving the quality of national education is an effort to support the achievement of MP3EI in shaping young generations who are ready to compete with those of other nations. Telkom University, as one of the educational institutions under YPT, acquires the similar vision as the government’s vision which is to improve the quality of education and achieve the title of world-class university in 2017.
This strategic plan is based on the importance of focusing on the achievement of our yearly goals which are specificly stated in four different years. The annual institution’s program is outlined in Managerial Work Plan and Budget (RKMA) which is made in the end of the previous year to guide the achievement of the upcoming year. With the existing of this strategic plan, it is expected that the programs planned yearly will be more focused and bring Telkom University to achieve its vision.
Figure 2 . Vision Achivement Milestone of Telkom University in 2017
The stategic plan to achieve the vision in 2017 consists of four phases: (1) governance excellence; (2) academic management excellence; (3) academic resources excellence; and (4) academic quality excellence. This strategic plan is developed by referring to the Wildly Important Goal (WIG) of Telkom Educational Foundation ( YPT) in which the long-term goal is to become a world-class research university.
In preparing this strategic plan, the entire stakeholders are involved. They are leaders of Telkom Educational Foundation (YPT), leaders of Telkom University, Faculty members, lecturers, students, and industries.
Telkom University, as a new university recently undergoes merger phase, will focus on several aspects:
• Internal consolidation to strengthen the management of Telkom University.
• Empowering research groups and research centers to empower lecturers and students in the development of research and community service.
• Strengthening international cooperation.
• Improving the quality of learning process, one of which supports international-standard distance learning.
Outlook of Conditions in 2017
Telkom University will be known as a university with excellent teaching system in the fields of engineering, business, applied science, and art. This will be indicated by obtaining ‘A’ accreditation from BAN – PT for 50% of program studies offered and achieving ASIIN and ABEST21 international accreditation or other prestigious international accreditations for higher educations.
Telkom University graduates will possess admirable attitude and possess high skills that can compete with graduates of other universities nationally and globally to actively participate in industries. Graduates will have rich learning experiences with immense opportunities to interact with researchers, academia and industries.
The number of Telkom University lecturers’ research has improved due to the graduate programs: doctoral and master’s programs with 10% of the total students contribute to the research. Telkom University seizes strong foundation to become a world-class research university. This will be supported by the publications of research in the international communities throughout the world. In addition, community services of Telkom University will contribute to the benefits of the society regionally (in West Java) and nationally.
II Environment-Related Facts
Well-known and prominent State Universities in Indonesia has shifted their strategy in inviting prospective new students by increasing the number of classes and even by adding new program studies each year. For those who consider that state universities has superior brand image compared to private universities, they will likely choose to enroll in states universities rather than other private institutions, including Telkom University.
Telkom University is under the Telkom Education Foundation which was established by PT Telkom. The brand image of PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk is powerfully attached to the brand building of Telkom University. Recently, the condition of the telecommunications industry is experiencing a declining trend that has possible effect to the employment’s recruitment of Telkom University graduates in industries. Thus, this condition will reduce interest of new students to enroll at Telkom University.
AFTA in 2015 can be viewed in two perspectives: as opportunity and threat. As opportunity, Telkom University can be a potential partner for collaboration with other universities worldwide. Meanwhile, job seekers or workers who come from overseas can be a threat to Telkom University graduates. Towards AFTA 2015, Telkom University must prepare graduates who can compete with foreign workforces. This can be anticipated by observing the industrial trends from recent year to the year of 2017 and preparing better curriculum. In addition, Telkom University can collaborate with overseas universities that have similar focus and competencies prepared by the program studies in Telkom University. International Certification can also be provided to increase the competitiveness of graduates at international level.
Indonesian domestic industry is a downstream industry which is labor-intensive. Such industry requires the type of workers who have skills in their respective fields. Telkom University graduate competencies need to be adjusted to meet this labor market segment.
Indonesia’s economy has a strong influence on people’s power of purchasing level of education of in society. There are many strategies to anticipate these negative economic conditions by several universities, such as applying the tuition payment plan system, opening evening and night classes to provide flexible studying hours for workers who work during the day, distance leaning system, and certifications
The Governance
As a new university established from the merging of four different educational institutions, governance is an important factor to be addressed. Governance has become a strategic goal realized in line with the strategic objectives. This realization of governance must be based on Good University Governance (GUG).
Human Resources
Human resource is the most important factor in an educational institution. Almost all quality improvement processes within educational insitutions lead to the empowering of human resources. Some examples of the empowerment are teaching, research, and community service which directly related to human resources.
The sustainability of higher education depends on the availability of finance. This sustainibility requires a good management. Finance is crucial for the proper and good process of university management. Good performance can be achieved through strong financial support.
Facilities are the other important factors for the sustainability of the process of teaching, research, and community service. The availability of research laboratory and teaching laboratory support the achievement of good quality of learning process. In addition, the availability of teaching materials with library support and the access to excellent quality international publications such as journals and international academic magazines can also assist faculty members to improve their teaching process.
Research and Community Service
Teaching and community service cannot be separated from research. Good teaching comes from the results of published research. The improvement of research quality will automatically improve the quality of teaching. Likewise, community service is medium included into the Three Pillars of Higher Education (Tri Dharma PT) provides benefits in improving people’s prosperity in the society.
To become a world-class university that plays an active role in the development of information-technology based science and arts.
a. To provide and develop international-standard education;
b. To develop and disseminate internationally recognized science, technology, management, and arts;
c. To utilize science, technology, management, and arts for the welfare and the development of nation’s civilization;
a. Obtaining trust from all stakeholders;
b. Producing graduates who have integrity, competences, and national and international competitiveness;
c. Creating research culture, cross-cultural academic atmosphere, and entrepreneurship spirit among academia;
d. Producing valuable research works and innovations to improve the quality of people’s life and support the development of national economy.
Professionalism , Recognition of achievement , Integrity , Mutual Respect Entrepreneurship (PRIME)
V. Analysis of SWOT – TOWS
Telkom University is a merger of four educational institutions under Telkom Educational Foundation (YPT) in which each possessed competitive advantages.
The brand of “Telkom” has high equity value in Indonesia.
PT. Telkom remains an eminent brand in Indonesia. Currently, Telkom is an inseparable brand assossiated with Telkom University (Tel-U). The existence of this brand is a strength for Tel – U in finding prospective new students. People in society uphold trust that the graduates of Tel – U will be accepted as employee in telecomunication companies across Indonesia.
The reputation of Telkom University’s alumni is prominent in the society.
Alumni’s reputation, especially in the field of information and communication competences, is prominent. Most alumni of Tel – U are accepted as employees in telecomunication companies. Alumni’s also supports networking for recruiting fresh graduates within their companies or the companies they work for.
The facilites are excellent.
Telkom University provides complete facilities to support day-to-day basis campus operational programs ranging from buildings, enginering labs, language labs , business and arts labs, and libraries spreaded in each faculty. There are also canteens, student dormitories, sports facilities, spaces for student activities, campus clinics, large parking areas, auditoriums and halls in several faculties. These facilities support teaching, learning, research, and community service to be optimally conducted.
The number of students is high.
One of the great assets to support resources is indicated by a great number of students. Tel-U students come from various cities across Indonesia, from the western part to the eastern part. Thera are also foreign students enrolled in Graduate School of Engineering, the International classes provided by the Business Management of Telecommunications and Informatics Program ( MBTI International Class ) and the Faculty of Creative Industries (FIK), especially in Visual Communication Design Program (DKV) and Textile and Fashion (KTM) through Dharmasiswa Program (sholarships provided by the government for foreign students). All of these national and international students enrolled in 27 study programs in Telkom University. Students, as academia, contribute to research and community service in Telkom University.
The tuition fee revenue is high.
Currently, Telkom University is supported by the funding from student tuition fees. These revenues are predetermined to support the financial sustainability of Telkom University. In addition to the tuition fee, there are revenues which are non – tuition fees including funds from research grants and community service activities. Telkom University being established in the year of 2013 has a long-term plan that will increase the portion of funds derived from research grants in collaboration with regional or national governments, private sectors, and other overseas universities.
The number of student achievement in national and international level is high.
Telkom University’s students received prestigious achievements nationally and internationally. These achievements add good reputation to Telkom University. These achivements range from scientific and academic activities to extracurricular activities, such as student’s organizations. Of all the awards received in international level are the Imagine Cup and APICTA .
80 % of study programs in Telkom University receive A and/or B accreditations.
Currently, Telkom University provides 27 study programs which are D3, S1, and S2. D3 is diploma program. S1 is bachelor program. S2 is graduate program. 23 out of 27 study programs are accredited A or B. “A” accredited study programs are D3 Informatics Engineering, D3 Telecommunication Engineering, S1 Industrial Engineering, S1 Telecommunications Engineering, S2 Management. The study program which are accredited “B” are S1 Information Systems, S1 Informatics, S1 Electrical Engineering, S2 Electrical and Telecomunications Engineering, S2 Informatics, S1 Accounting, S1 Visual Communication Design, S1 Business Administration, S1 Communication Studies, D3 Computerized Accounting, D3 Informatics Management, S1 Interior Design, S1 Product Design , S1 Textile and Fashion, S1 Fine Arts.
The campus location is strategic and there are large lands as an asset.
Telkom University is located in a strategic position because it is located in the evolving area in terms of population, economy, etc. Land assets owned by Tel-U is spacious. At this moment, the area of Telkom University has become the center of economic growth for the communities around campus area. These land assets can still be developed for the purpose of other suppportive facilities.
The area of lecturers’ expertises and curriculum are specific in the field of information and communication (Infocom).
Publics and industries are aware of the importance of the infocom field. This field was the focus of the four educational institutions which were merged into Telkom University. These institutions were Telkom Institute of Technology, Telkom Institute of Management, Telkom Polytechnic and Telkom Indonesian School of Fine Arts and Design. Telkom Institute of Technology formerly known as STT Telkom was a provider for employees who were ready to work in telecommunication companies, specifically in engineering field by providing program studies including Telecommunications Engineering, Informatics and Industrial Engineering. Telkom Institute of Management had study programs of Business Management of Telecommunications and Informatics focused on the field of management study which served the infocom sectors. Likewise, the Telkom Polytechnic provided graduates who were ready to work in telecommunication companies. Telkom University indeed provide a comprehensive solution to prepare employee with the knowledge of engineering, management of information and communication. These are considered and recognized as a strength of Telkom University for the community , government and industry.
communication (Infocom)
NO | Strengths |
1 | The brand of “Telkom” has high equity value in Indonesia |
2 | The reputation of Telkom University’s alumni is prominent in the society |
3 | The facilites are excellent |
4 | The tuition fee revenue is high |
5 | The number of student achievement in national and international level is high |
6 | 80 % of study programs in Telkom University receive A and/or B accreditations |
7 | The campus location is strategic and there are large lands as an asset |
8 | The campus location is strategic and there are large lands as an asset |
9 | The area of lecturers’ expertises and curriculum are specific in the field of information and communication (Infocom) |
The ratio among infrastructure (classrooms, teaching supporting tools, laboratories, libraries) and student body is not balanced yet.
The increasing of number of students must be supported by infrastructure and other elements such as classrooms, teaching supporting tools, laboratories, libraries and the number of learning references to support educational process and teaching system within institutions until the year of 2013. After the merging of the four educational insitutions to become Telkom University, there is urgency to improve academic infrastructure including classrooms, teaching supporting tools, laboratories, libraries.
There is still a shortage of lecturers for teaching and research.
Presently, the ratio of lecturers and students in Telkom University is 1:32. The ratio is considered poor which according to the standards of BAN-PT, the ratio should be 1:23 for science majors and 1:30 for non-science majors. Based on this fact, it can be inferred that Telkom University has a shortage of lecturers.
The teaching and learning processes have not been standardized.
The teaching and learning processes are not standardized. The final grades of students at the end of semester, GPA, did not represent the overall achievement of the students based on the objectives of the courses. A survey on lecturers’ quality submitted by the students showed that the existing teaching and learning processes are still consumer-producer oriented which does not meet the right targets.
There are no well-structured development programs for human resources.
Human resources in Telkom University are academia which are lecturers, supporting staffs, and students. Each resource needs to be developed to reach their optimum capabilities through a system-mapping or a well-structured development. Human resource can develop a program for lecturer, such as portofolio. Lecturers should submit their progress and report of their performance to be evaluated for academic functional level and structural position. Similar program should be developed for staffs and students.
The source of predetermined finance is dominated by the tuition fee.
90% of financial source of Telkom University comes from students’ tuition fees, which are spent for teaching and learning processes. This current condition can create difficulties in developing or building a new facility or conducting research and community service. At one certain point, tuition fee revenue can no longer be increased as students’ fees becomes higher, but and the number of students’ enrollement has been exceeded.
There are shortages of research, innovation, and commercialization.
One of non-tuition fee (NTF) revenues is commercialization of innovation created by the university. However the number of research and innovation in Telkom University is still considered low as the use of research funds only reached an average of 40% every year. The availability of innovation in research to be commercialized is still rare. The product of research is still for lab purpose and not ready to be commercialized.
The number of doctoral lecturers is still inadequate.
Knowledge and expertise in an educational institution will affect the amount and quality of research produced as well as the quality of graduates. Currently, Telkom University is dominated by lecturers holding master degrees from universities across Indonesia and overseas. There is an urgency to send lecturers studying to earn doctoral degree and to develop and improve their knowledge and expertise. There are many scholarships available for lecturers to pursue higher education including from YPT, Directorat General of Higher Education (DIKTI) and other scholarships. The Human Resource Division should be able to manage and spread the scholarship information continuously to the lecturers for opportunity to study in universities across Indonesia and overseas.
The ratio of lecturer qualified as associate professor and professor is still low.
Lecturer remains as an asset in conducting the Three Pillars of Higher Education (Tridharma PT). Presently, the development of lecturer is known as Academic Functional Level (JFA). However, Telkom University does not have a internal structured program to direct lecturers reaching the highest level of JFA, namely professor. In 2013, Telkom University only has one professor and 24 associate professors which is 4.5% of the total lecturers. The goal is to increase the number of professors and associate professor up to 10% of the total lecturers. Lecturer with JFA “Associate Professor” and “Professor” are human resources who are expected to lead the development of the university in terms of research, teaching and community service.
The quality and maintenance of the existing facilities are still low.
The process of teaching, learning, research, development, and community service can perfectly be conduced when there are adequate facilities and infrastructure. Telkom University has a wide range of facilities to support these main programs. As a university in the fields of informatics and communication, the existing facilities are categorized into short-term recycled technology. This means that Telkom University needs to upgrade the existing facilities in the next 2-3 years. Presently, Telkom University does not have a structured program to maintain and update its existing facilities and infrastructure.
The organizational structure has not been evaluated.
Telkom University was officially established in 2013 by merging four institutions which had different organizational structures and cultures. The merging of these four institutions form a new organizational structure and culture, This new form has not been proven in terms of its effectiveness in arranging strategies to implement the programs based on the RKMA.
The English proficiencis of lecturers and students are still low.
The era of globalization compels every institution, including Telkom University to undertake internationalization. Establishing relationships or competing with other countries require the ability to communicate well, in this case, English proficiency. However, the English proficiencies of lecturers and students are still low.
New students are widely diverse in terms if potential, IQ, attitude, motivation.
New student selection process ideally aims to invite new students with the best quality. Often the case is that private universities must compete with state universities. The fact in society shows that the main goal of highe school graduates as prospective new students to enroll in state universities. The effect of this phenomena is that private universities will have to welcome students with wide diverse in terms of potential, IQ, attitude, and motivation. Related to the adjustment of teaching and learning process, students’ diversity becomes an obstacle for students because lecturers must have a flexible teaching system to teach diverse students.
There is no good governance system (organizational structure, aesthetics values, and implementation of programs)
Running a big organization requires a good management. Telkom University as a new univerisity still lacks a system of good management. This management includes organizational structure, aesthetics values, and program implementations.
NO | weakness |
1 | The ratio among infrastructure (classrooms, teaching supporting tools, laboratories, libraries) and student body is not balanced yet. |
2 | There is still a shortage of lecturers for teaching and research |
3 | The teaching and learning processes have not been standardized |
4 | There are no well-structured development programs for human resources |
5 | TThe source of predetermined finance is dominated by the tuition fee |
6 | There are shortage of research, innovation, and commercialization |
7 | The number of doctoral lecturers is still inadequate |
8 | The ratio of lecturer qualified as associate professor and professor is still low |
9 | The quality and maintenance of the existing facilities are still low |
10 | The organizational structure has not been evaluated |
11 | The English proficiencis of lecturers and students are still low |
12 | New students are widely diverse in terms if potential, IQ, attitude, motivation |
13 | There is no good governance system (organizational structure, aesthetics values, and implementation of programs) |
Strengths and weaknesses are internal factors in Telkom Unviersity that can be utilized for the development in the next four years. Furthermore, there are external factors that could be an opportunity for the development of Telkom University. These opportunities are:
KKNI Strategic Plan
The strategic plan (RENSTRA) of the Ministry of Education and Culture and the Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration in 2010 was to discuss and develop a National Qualifications Framework in Indonesia (KKNI) in 2011. The plan stated that the role of the Ministry of Education and Culture in improving the quality of KKNI was by reflecting the learning outcomes in which a person acquired through formal education, training, work experience and autonomous learning systems to form equivalence assessment and recognition of qualifications between human resources in Indonesia and foreign countries in the year of 2016 toward future ASEAN economy community.
National strategy (MP3EI)
National strategy (MP3EI) contributes to and is one of the references for improving the quality of education in Telkom University. One of MP3EI components is improving the competitiveness of society in Indonesia. There are many programs from government. Telkom University have extensive opportunities to participate in improving the nation’s competitiveness through the improvement of human resources managed by Telkom University.
Partnership with foreign educational institutions
Partnerships with foreign educational institutions have been initiated by several faculties in Telkom University. This becomes the concern of Vice Rector III of Admission and International Office to manage international relations and cooperation. This university currently has a partnership with RMIT, Australia and TU, Berlin.
High uptake of employment
The conditions of employment opportunities are high. Telkom University can respons this opportunity by producing graduates that meet the requirements demanded by industries as job providers. Apprenticeship or internship program is one of the opportunities given to the students of Telkom University to understand the needs of industry in terms of employee with necessary softskills and hardskills.
The availability of scholarships for undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate
There are numerous scholarships for higher education provided by the Ministry of Education and Culture and governments from other countries. The information is also available and easily obtained through the Ministry of National Education and Culture’s website. Moreover, this information can also be obtained from educational agencies and embassies appointed by foreign countries to undertake scholarship information dissemination in Indonesia. This opportunity should be utilized to develop the best education and competence of Tel-U lecturers to increase their knowledge contributions and teaching skills for the sake of their students.
The availablity of numerous research and publication grants
The availability of grants for research and publications are available, especially those provided by the government of the Republic of Indonesia. Research grants from the government through the Directorate General of Higher Education (DIKTI) in the Ministry of Education and Culture is available for lecturers with no academic functional level as long as they have National Lecturer Identification Number (NIDN). This grant can be for individual or group. Faculty of Engineering and Faculty of Economics & Business have received the grants both individually and in groups.
Students’ internship with Telkom Group
Cooperation with the telecommunication industries and in particular PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk, known as PT. Telkom as CSR to YPT brings opportunity. As a result, Telkom University students are able to have internship related to their majors, especially in telecommunication business.
Strategic Framework of Telkom CoE (Center of Excellence)
PT. Telkom has included Telkom University into the the strategic framework of Telkom CoE. This is a good opportunity for both parties in terms of financial support and/or research. This synergy can give a good look at the future from educational perspective and industrial perspective.
Low gross enrolment ratio for higher education
Gross Enrollment Ratio (GER) is a number that indicates the amount of public participation at a certain level of education. GER for higher education is still low with the ratio of 17%. This is an opportunity that must be taken by the Telkom University in providing higher education in terms of educational services and national-standard certifications.
NO | potentials |
1 | KKNI Strategic Plan |
2 | Supports and trusts of industries for qualified graduates from prestigious universities |
3 | National strategy (MP3EI) |
4 | Partnership with foreign educational institutions |
5 | The availability of scholarships for undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate |
6 | The availablity of numerous research and publication grants |
7 | Strategic Framework of Telkom CoE (Center of Excellence) |
8 | High uptake of employment |
9 | Government regulation on the limit of oursourcing in IT fields |
10 | Low gross enrolment ratio for higher education |
11 | The Students’ internship with Telkom Group |
12 | Partnerships with regional and national governments |
Besides opportunities, external factors may also affect and become a risk to the teaching and learning processes in Telkom University. These risks are:
Policy and laws amendment of the Indonesian government
Changes in regulation or law regarding education issued by the Indonesian governments is inevitable. These changes include KKNI system and standardization of academic functional level of lecturers. This will not become an issue when Telkom University has meet all of the standards set by the government.
Decreasing trend in telecommunication industries
Telkom University focuses on telecommunication business as the main core of competences of graduates. In the last two decades, telecommunication business was a trend. However the trend in the telecommunication industries has decreased and changed into the internet. The condition of technology and telecommunications increasingly rely on the Internet for the development of teaching, learning, and researching. Thus, the learning outcome of Telkom University graduates should be directed to adjust with such condition appropriately.
Similar distance learning program held by other prestigious universities
Distance education programs are now becoming a trend. This development in the field of education in Indonesia provides both opportunities and risks. Several state and private universities that have competitive advantages in the field of information and communication are able to provide distance education programs effectively and efficiently. These universities include Bina Nusantara University (Binus) with the most advanced online system, Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), and several other universities.
Establishment of brances of existing prestigious universities in Indonesia collaborating with universities overseas
Competition among universities also covers cooperation of universities across Indonesia and overseas. This cooperation takes in different forms. For example, Gadjah Mada University provides double degree for Master of Management in collaboration with foreign university. This is the concern of Vice Rector III of Admission and International Office to initiate cooperation with universities overseas. It is a fact in Indonesia that propective new students will select universities with international programs and industries will prefer hiring fresh graduates of foreign universities rather than universities in Indonesia.
Establishment of new universities with high competitiveness and strong financial support
For a broader scale, in national level, there are new universities as competitors. These new universities provide similar study programs with better curriculum the best qualified lecturers with doctorate degrees graduated from universities overseas. This distinction puts these new universities in safe positions as they should not worry for student intakes. Telkom University can take this phenomena along with the changes of economy and technology to think of strategy to prepare its graduates to compete for employment in industries today and in the future.
Higher new students intake in state universities
State universities increase the number of new students intake to support their operational budgets. They even open new program studies to increase the new student intake. “State” university is the brand name with the label “better” university in the mind of high school graduates as prospective new students.
Establishment of new program in coorperation of existing prestigious universities and foreign universities
Several state and private universities open programs namely “double-degree”. This program commonly is a cooperation between a university in Indonesia and a university overseas. Foreign universities consider Indonesians as prospective markets. Thus, they have cooperation with prestigious universities that have high equity brand label in the minds of Indonesian society.
Entrance of foreign employees due to ASEAN economy community
Towards AFTA in 2016 that will allow foreign workers to work in Indonesia and Indonesian workers to work in ASEAN countries, there is an issue concerning competences of employee candidates. Industries still consider that overseas graduates who become employee candidates have better expertise and knowledge rather than graduates of universities across Indonesia. This is a risk. Telkom University must prepare its graduates to be able to compete with graduates of universities in Indonesia and universities overseas.
Decreasing of national economy
90% of Indonesia’s economy still relies on large industrial and multinational companies heavily influenced by the global economy. Global economy recession also affects Indonesia, especially one that results in the decreasing of national economy. The tuition fees for higher education which is relatively high and continues to increase each year. This influences the decreasing of new student intake. Private universities are relatively more expensive than state universities. Thus, this causes the preferance of prospective new students enrolling in state universities, rather than private universities.
NO | threats |
1 | Policy and laws amendment of the Indonesian government n |
2 | Decreasing trend in telecommunication industries |
3 | Competitions among universities in Indonesia and overseas |
4 | Establishment of new universities with high competitiveness and strong financial support |
5 | Higher new students intake in state universities |
6 | Establishment of brances of existing prestigious universities in Indonesia collaborating with universities overseas |
7 | Entrance of foreign employees due to ASEAN economy community |
8 | Similar distance learning program held by other prestigious universities |
9 | Decreasing of national economy |
Here are the SWOT analysis of Telkom University:
BANDUNG TEL-U- Pesta Wirausaha Bandung, sebuah acara yang diselenggarakan oleh Tangan Di Atas regional Bandung pada Minggu, 1 Desember 2013 di Telkom Convenient Centre Bandung. Acara yang bertemakan ‘Passion4Fashion” ini sukses mengundang peserta lebih dari 500 orang dari berbagai macam latar belakang seperti wirausaha, karyawan dan mahasiswa. TDA sendiri merupakan sebuah komunitas nasional yang berkepanjangan “Tangan Di Atas”. Komunitas ini bergelut di bidang wirausaha dan mempunyai anggota dari seluruh Indonesia.
BANDUNG TEL-U. Mahasiswa Telkom University (Tel-U) berkesempatan mendapatkan pengajaran langsung dari Pertamina. Acara yang mengusung tema “Ayo Indonesia Mendunia” berlangsung di GSG TES Tel-U, Senin (2/12/2013).
BANDUNG TEL-U. Telkom University menyelenggarakan Sidang Senat Terbuka Wisuda Diploma, Sarjana adan Pascasarjana Lulusan Telkom University. Sidang senat berlangsung di gedung Telkom University Convention Hall Bandung Technoplex Terusan Buahbatu Bandung, Jumat 29 Nopember 2013 dan Sabtu 30 Nopember 2013. Kali ini merupakan Sidang senat Wisuda pertama kali sejak terbentuknya Telkom University. Telkom University secara resmi terbentuk pada 17 Juli 2013 berdasarkan Surat Keputusan nomor 270/E/O/2013 SK Mendikbud, dengan bergabungnya Institut Teknologi Telkom (IT Telkom), Institut Manajemen Telkom (IM Telkom), dan Politeknik Telkom, serta juncto Keputusan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Nomor 309/E/0/2013 tentang Ijin Peleburan Sekolah Tinggi Seni Rupa dan Desain Indonesia (STISI) Telkom ke dalam Telkom University.
Program Studi D3 Komputerisasi Akuntansi
( Akreditasi B )
Terakreditasi sesuai Keputusan BAN-PT No. 016/BAN-PT/Ak-X/Dpl-III/IX/2010, dengan gelar lulusan Ahli Madya (A.Md).
“Menjadi Program Studi Komputerisasi Akuntansi yang mampu mengembangkan dan menghasilkan sumberdaya profesional, berbudi luhur, mampu menyesuaikan diri dengan perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi khususnya Sistem Informasi Akuntansi, Perpajakan dan Audit serta dapat diakui oleh masyarakat baik nasional maupun internasional”
Sistem Informasi Akuntansi