“Wonderful of Sangiran” Application for Sangiran Museum

BANDUNG, February 13, 2023

In order to achieve the national development goals in the tourism aspect and to fulfill the targets of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), specifically quality education (Goal 4) and decent work and economic growth (Goal 8), several challenges need to be addressed among other things, such as  the  difficult access to tourist sites, insufficient research information, low public awareness, particularly among younger generations towards historical knowledge, prevalence of articles and websites spreading invalid data, and lack of community support and awareness regarding the tourism potential. To overcome these challenges, Tel-U created an innovation by presenting the “Wonderful of Sangiran” application to help realize the national development goals in the tourism aspect and the targets of sustainable development goals.

“Wonderful of Sangiran” application was designed by Muhammad Ilham Alhari and Hilda Nuraliza, Master of Information Systems students in Telkom University. According to Hilda, there had been various aspects and museum functionalities affected due to the Covid-19 pandemic. “Covid-19 had a significant impact on several aspects of Sangiran Museum, such as difficult transportation modes, manual ticketing systems, lack of tour guides, insufficient promotion of Sangiran Museum,” she stated.

This application is intended to facilitate visitor access to the museum location, provide information about the museum, provide information related to Sangiran museum tour bundling packages, information on traditional Sangiran souvenir markets, as well as information on the flow of research permits using a website-based application system. This application also has quite a wide range of features, such as activating accounts, news about updated sites and culture, catalog of cultural sites and ancient relics, various information about museums, and the Sangiran souvenir marketplace.

Souvenirs made by the hands of the Sangiran people are one of the characteristics of Sangiran. According to Kristi Yulianti, a souvenir seller, the “Wonderful of Sangiran” application can help the economy of souvenir sellers. “I think the application is good. Because with this application, it can help Sangiran souvenir sellers to be more well-known outside the region.”

Kristi added that she and other vendors hoped that training will be provided for vendors related to the “Wonderful of Sangiran” application. “I hope that training will be provided for souvenir sellers, so that they can sell online and sell Sangiran souvenirs outside the region,” she added.

Sangiran Museum is a museum located in Kalijambe, Sragen Regency, Central Java, Indonesia. This museum is adjacent to the area of ??the Sangiran ancient fossil site which is a UNESCO World Heritage site.

Author: Rifqi Ramdani; Editor: Daris Maulana; Documentation: Public Relations

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