Category: News

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Bachelor of Applied Science in Computer Accounting

Bachelor of Applied Science in Computer Accounting (Diploma in Computer Accounting)
(Accreditation B) was Accredited according to the Decree of BAN-PT Number. 016 / BAN-PT / Ak-X / dpl-III / IX / 2010, with a graduate degree Associate Expert (A.Md).


“Being Studies Program Computerized Accounting are able to develop and produce professional resources, virtuous, capable of adjusting to the development of science and technology, especially Information Systems Accounting, Taxation and Auditing, and can be recognized by the public both nationally and internationally”

  • Education programs, research and community services that support the development and application of science and technology.
  • Creating a conducive environment for the implementation of teaching and learning activities and develop appropriate research, so as to produce the field of computerized accounting graduates who are creative and innovative.
  • Cooperating with various parties, both nationally and internationally so that the learning process is always up to date.
  • Analysis and design of information systems to support the accounting process.
  • Analysis and modeling of business processes in accounting.
  • Application development solution for the field of accounting using a particular programming language.
  • The use of accounting software.
  • Tax calculation (eSPT).
  • Specialisation
  • Accounting Information Technology
  • Has expertise in building applications to support business processes accounting by focusing on the reliability of the application functionality,
  • Has expertise in modifying the Enterprise Resource Planning system.
  • Accounting information system
  • Has expertise in building applications to support the business processes of accounting with emphasis on the complexity of the accounting cycle,
  • Have expertise in accounting applications operate on the Enterprise Resource Planning system.
The official website

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Bachelor of Applied Science in Infomatics Management

Bachelor of Applied Science in Infomatics Management Study Program (Accreditation B) was Accredited according to Decree Number. BAN-PT 019 / BAN-PT / Ak-X / above sea-III / X / 2010, with a graduate degree Associate Expert (A.Md).


“Being Outstanding Applied Science in Information Management Study Program in Southeast Asia”

  • Forming professionals who are creative, innovative and proactive in creating new works in the field of Information Management and recognized internationally.
  • Carry out research and development of innovative works for the advancement of science and technology in the field of Information Management.
  • Carry out community service.
  • Cooperating with stakeholders.
  • Information Management study program produces graduates who are experts in the field:
  • Software development and modeling of the data and information needs, in accordance with the needs of organizations and businesses.
  • Maintenance, repair, and alteration of existing software.
  • Web development service for the exchange of data between the database management system to support business needs.
  • Engineering a wide range of digital media.
  • The application of the principles of interface design and mobile web-based system.
  • Development of web-based and mobile applications.

1. Specialisation Database Development

  • Having the ability to analyze, model and implement data and information needs suit the business needs of the organization and,
  • Have the ability to build data management applications to support business needs,
  • Have the ability to build web services to exchange data between the DBMS to support business needs.

2. Specialisation Multimedia & Creative Contents

  • Having a thorough knowledge of a wide variety of digital media,
  • Have skills in applying the principles of interface design and mobile web-based system,
  • Has expertise in building Web-based applications and mobile.

3. Specialisation Software Development

  • Has expertise in building software applications (software) according to user needs,
  • Have expertise in the installation and development of software according to user needs,
  • Has the ability and expertise in maintenance, repair, and alteration of existing software.

fasilitasunggulan 1

Bachelor of Applied Science in marketing-management

Marketing Management Diploma Program – Faculty of the University of Vocational Telkom Bandung – West Java, Indonesia. Marketing Management Diploma Program was established in 2008 after the transformation of the School of Business Management Telkom to Telkom Institute of Management. And last transformation in the Faculty of Vocational Telkom University. Graduates D3 Marketing Management with competence in marketing pawns skilled in the practice and understand the theory. With a competency-based curriculum that promotes soft skills and supported the information and communication technology skills, the D3 Studies Program graduates are able to produce a reliable, responsive and berintengritas to become professionals who are ready to work and have the entrepreneurial spirit.


Being the center of the development of knowledge, skills and applied technology fields Marketing Management for excellence and prominent in ASEAN in 2018 “To Become the center of the development of knowledge, skills and technologies applied in the fields of marketing roomates leading and prominent in Southeast Asia at 2018.”



Carrying out vocational education, research and community service fields Marketing Management and appropriate quality ICT-based in producing graduates with independent and spirited entrepreneurs “Implementing vocational education, research and community service in the field of marketing roomates Appropriate and qualified based on ICT in generating graduates with the spirit of entrepreneurial. “


Produce graduates Associate Expert in the field of marketing management and superior self “Produce graduates with Associate Expert in the field of Marketing Management is an independent and superior. “


fasilitasunggulan 1

Dosen Adbis Ajak Warga Membuat Biopori dan Kompos

BANDUNG, TEL-U –Lima orang dosen dari Program Studi Administrasi Bisnis, Fakultas Komunikasi (Prodi Adbis FKB) mengajak warga Desa Buah Batu, Kecamatan Bojongsoang, Kabupaten Bandung untuk membuat biopori dan kompos. Ajakan ini mereka wujudkan dalam sebuah pelatihan sebagai bentuk pengabdian kepada masyarakat, Senin (3/8).

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Tel-U dan Oxford Jajaki Kerja Sama Riset

JAKARTA, TEL-U – Telkom University (Tel-U) dan University of Oxford (Oxford) melakukan pertemuan untuk membahas kerjasama di antara dua universitas tersebut. Pertemuan dimediasi oleh Kementrian Komunikasi dan Informatika (Kominfo) di DJAI Meeting Room kantor Kemkominfo di Jakarta, Kamis (6/8). Kerjasama meliputi riset terkait Cyber Security.

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Ajisaka, Aplikasi Belajar Aksara Jawa

BANDUNG, TEL-U – Tak banyak anak-anak jaman sekarang yang memahami dan mengerti bagaimana menulis dalam aksara Jawa. Bisa jadi karena tak mudah mempelajari aksara Jawa, apalagi bagi anak-anak. Sehingga perlu media pembelajaran yang interaktif dan menyenangkan agar anak tidak merasa bosan dalam mempelajari aksara Jawa.

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Bachelor of Applied Science in Computer Engineering

D3 Studies Program of Computer Engineering (Accreditation C) Accredited according to Decree No. BAN-PT 019 / BAN-PT / Ak-X / above sea-III / X / 2010, with a graduate degree Associate Expert (A.Md).


“Being a course that excel in the field of computer networks, network programming and embedded systems within the scope of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and able to compete in Southeast Asia”

  • Produce skilled professionals, creative, independent, high-power struggle, and noble.
  • Promote a culture of research and development in the field of computer engineering.
  • Duty service profession to promote the welfare of society.
  • Aligning ourselves with stakeholders to achieve mutually beneficial cooperation.
  • Management and implementation of computer networks.
  • Development of computer systems that are tailored to the needs of users.
  • Software engineering-based cloud computing.
  • Oriented software engineering computer network.
  • Development of embedded systems.
  • Development of the computer control system.



embedded System

  • Able to manipulate the embedded system applications,
  • Able to build a computer control system,
  • Able to manipulate Programmable Logic Controller-based program.
  • network Engineering
  • Able to manage and mengeimplementasikan computer networks,
  • Able to build computer systems that are tailored to the needs of society and the world of work.
  • network Programming
  • Able to manipulate the program based cloud computing (cloud computing),
  • Able to manipulate the computer network-oriented program.

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Bachelor of Product Design


Being outstanding study program in Products Design through Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and National Culture in creating Creativepreneur which is competitive in depelovement of creative industries.

  • Enforce Tri dharma that is outstanding in facing future development of the creative industries.
  • Creativepreneurship develop innovations that apply design by utilizing ICT and Culture Collection.
  • Develop Product Design science related to the development of ICT and inventory the National Culture.
  • Doing teaching science with memanfaatan novelty Product Design ICT.
  • Conduct scientific research with memanfaatan Product Design National Culture.
  • Perform community service by applying scientific innovations Product Design in developing the creative industries.
  • Creativepreneur produce that can take advantage of the development of ICT and Culture Collection in any design innovation.
  • Product Design Conducting scientific development in the face of ICT and Culture Collection.
G R A D U A T E   P R O F I L E

What is meant by the profile of graduates is expected roles can be performed by a graduate study program Product Design in the community or workplace. This profile is intended pendidikanyang outcome (outcome = byproduct is the acceptance and recognition of the outcomes of the college community, sustainable, improved quality of life and the environment).

Study Program Product Design STISI-TELKOM organized to produce graduates (Bachelor of Design) with graduate profile as follows:

  • Industrial Designer / Product Designer
  • Industrial Design Entrepreneur / Researcher
  • 3D Modelling Artist / Model Maker
  • Modelling and Prototype Making Professional
  • Research & Development Manager
  • Various Industries: Automotive, Electronic Goods, Video Games, Furniture & Furnishing, Housewares, Heavy Products, Telecommunications, Finance, Pharmaceuticals / Medicine, Public Sector, Food & Drink, Consumer Goods, Packaging, Fashion / Luxury Goods, Transportation, Personal Care Products


O F F I C I A L    W E B S I T E

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Bachelor Of Interior Design


Being Interior Design Study Program is highly competitive and excellent based on Information and Communication Technology (ICT), wisdom archipelago, and spirited creativepreneur.

  1. Academic and professional education that outstanding in the field of Interior Design undergraduate through the education system planned, integrated, and flexible human resources to produce independent, able to adapt in the face of global challenges.
  2. Carry out the implementation and development of interior design in order to improve the welfare of society.
  3. Establish partnerships with related industries and professionalism to expand the realm of interior design.
  4. Strengthen study interior design program through curriculum-based Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and the needs of the creative industries.
  5. Implement education creativepreneur spirited, active role in international forums, and academic ability.

Generate undergraduate interior design are highly competitive and excel in academic and professionalism.

  • Produce a quality undergraduate interior design and spirited creativepreneur.

  • Produce graduates who are able to create the interior design of networks of cooperation in social life, based on their expertise.

  • Produce graduates who have a social and cultural sensitivity, by utilizing ICT developments.

Profile Graduates

What is the meaning of profile of graduates is expected roles can be performed by graduates of Interior Design Program in the community or workplace. This profile is intended outcome of destination of the education (outcome is the acceptance and recognition of the graduates from  community, sustainable, improved quality of life and the environment).

Bachelor of Interior Design Study Program ( STISI TELKOM ) organized to produce graduates (Bachelor of Design) with graduate profile as follows:

  • Interior Designer / Consultant / Coordination Specialist
  • Stage Designer for TV / Film Production or Performance Art & Culture
  • Home / Office decorator, Facilities / Space / Office Planner
  • Store Designer, Showroom / Project Manager
  • Exhibition Designer, Event Organizer
  • Furniture / Accessories / Lighting Specialist
  • Model Maker, CAD Master
  • Commercial Property (Retail Shops, Offices, factories & Warehouses, Shopping Centers, Hotels & Leisure Centers, Resort Area)
  • Residential propery (Housing / Apartment)
  • Public Facilities Developer (Hospital, etc)
  • Architecture Company, Bathroom / Kitchen Manufacturer
  • Interior & Environmental Designer
  • Building Services
O F F I C I A L   W E B S I T E

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Bachelor of Design in Craft Textiles and Fashion


Being excellent courses in the fields of Design, Textile and Fashion Craft and competence development center creativepreneur based on Information and Communication Technology (ICT)

  1. Produce graduates who have creativepreneur competence in the field of Textile and Fashion Craft which accommodates the power of Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes (Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes) holistically so that the use value for society at large
  2. Produce graduates who are able to take advantage of ICT developments in global publication the results of implementation of scientific fields of Textile and Fashion Craft, so as to create new employment opportunities in the field of creative industries
  3. Conducting Tridharma college teaching, research and community service and make the concept of Digital Network to strengthen and expand the network of cooperation with similar study programs both at home and abroad
  4. Being the center of the field of dissemination of scientific papers Textile and Fashion Craft and references for similar courses both at national and international level
  5. Became a center for the development of field activities ceativepreneur Textile and Fashion Craft using digital marketing concept that can serve as a model for similar programs in Indonesia

What is meant by the profile of graduates is expected roles can be performed by a graduate of study program Craft Textile and Fashion in the community or workplace. This profile is intended pendidikanyang outcome (outcome = byproduct is the acceptance and recognition of the outcomes of the college community, sustainable, improved quality of life and the environment). Undergraduate program in Textile and Fashion Craft STISI-TELKOM organized to produce graduates (Bachelor of Design) with graduate profile as follows:

  • Fashion Designer (Childrenswear / Menswear / Teenagewear / Maternitywear / Womenswear / Moslemwear / Evening & Partywear / Customwear / Traditionalclothwear)
  • Fashion Stylist / illustrator / Consultant
  • Fashion Coordinator / Editor / Journalist
  • Fashion Merchandiser / Buyer / Marketer
  • Fashion Photographer
  • Accessories Designer (Footwear, Bag, Hat)
  • Costume / Textile Designer, Pattern Maker
  • Brand Manager, Visual Display Artist
  • Boutique / Retail Store Manager
  • Factory Outlet / Distro Manager as Owner
  • Garment Industry
  • Costume Designer & Making
  • Clothing Manufacturer
  • High Street Clothes Retailing
  • Magazine Publishing
  • Design Educator
  • Hair Care & Cosmetics / Accessories / Perfume , Modelling Industry
  • Color & Style Consultant