Category: News

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Telkom University Siap Hadapi Main Audit ISO 9001:2008

BANDUNG, TEL-U – Usai sudah Telkom University menjalani Initial Audit Mutu Eksternal ISO 9001:2008. Audit yang dijalankan mulai hari Senin kemarin ditutup secara resmi dalam pertemuan Inisial Audit Mutu Eksternal di Ruang Rapat lt. 5 Gedung Bangkit, Rabu (24/6).

Welcome ramadhan

Family of Tel-U Welcomes Month of Ramadhan

BANDUNG, TEL-U – Marhaban yaa Ramadhan. Welcoming the holy month of Ramadan, Telkom University (Tel-U) held a gathering for academic community, on Tuesday (16/6). All leaders, lecturers and staff participated gathered at the Hall Faculty of Applied Sciences (FIT) to follow the event.

Nyi Anteh

# 21Hulu17Hilir: From Harmoney Up Nyi Anteh

BANDUNG, TEL-U – # 21Hulu17Hilir exhibit 17 works from students of Visual Communication Design (DKV) Faculty of Creative Industries (FIK) Telkom University (Tel-U). The exhibition took place in the hall of Sebatik building (FIK), Monday (15/6).

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Auditor: Perlu Riset untuk Tahu Positioning FEB Sebagai Fakultas Favorit

BANDUNG, TEL-U –Auditor dari PT Bureau Veritas Indonesia, Olrah Pattinama mengatakan perlu dilakukan semacam riset untuk mengetahui positioning Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Telkom University (FEB Tel-U) dalam benak masyarakat seperti apa. “Hal tersebut penting dilakukan, supaya FEB dapat mengetahui hal-hal apa yang perlu ditingkatkan atau diperbaiki agar dapat terus menjadi fakultas favorit di mata mahasiswa,” kata Olrah.

2 fakultas

Last Day, Two Faculty Audited

BANDUNG, TEL – U – Faculty of Applied Sciences (FIT) and the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) Telkom University (Tel-U) this morning underwent the External Quality Audit ISO 9001: 2008 in management meeting room, Wednesday (24/6). On the last day of the audit process conducted by Indonesia’s PT Bureau Veritas, auditors examined Computerized Accounting Studies Program and Information Management Program.

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Tel-U Undergo the External Audit

BANDUNG, TEL-U – Three days ahead, Telkom University (Tel-U) will undergo Initial External Quality Audit ISO 9001: 2008. On the first day of audit, Monday (22/6), the entire management of the institution and faculty support Tel-U following the first meeting of the Initial External Quality Audit at Bangkit Building 5th floor, Monday (22/6).

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Hari Terakhir, Dua Fakultas Diaudit

BANDUNG, TEL – U – Fakultas Ilmu Terapan (FIT) dan Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis (FEB) Telkom University (Tel-U) pagi ini menjalani Audit Mutu Eksternal ISO 9001:2008 di ruang rapat pimpinan, Rabu (24/6). Pada hari terakhir proses audit yang dilaksanakan oleh PT Bureau Veritas Indonesia ini auditor memeriksa Program Studi Komputerisasi Akuntansi dan Program Studi Manajemen Informatika.


Ezglue, an Aids Tools for Producing Shoes

BANDUNG, TEL-U – Students of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Industrial Engineering Telkom University (FRI Tel-U) created tools used in the production of shoes, Ezglue. Ezglue is an innovation product in the form of an aid mechanic using glue for gluing shoes.