BANDUNG, TEL-U – Selama tiga hari kedepan Telkom University (Tel-U) akan menjalani Initial Audit Mutu Eksternal ISO 9001:2008. Pada hari pertama audit, Senin (22/6), seluruh manajemen pendukung institusi dan fakultas Tel-U mengikuti pertemuan pertama Inisial Audit Mutu Eksternal di Gedung Bangkit lantai 5, Senin (22/6).
BANDUNG, TEL-U – English debate team SES Telkom University ranks third in the National University Debating Championship (NUDC) organized by the Directorate General of Higher Education, 18 – May 20, 2015 and at the University of Widyatama Bandung.
BANDUNG, TEL-U – Another achievement is accomplished. This time achieved by three students from Communication Studies Program of Communication and Business Telkom University (FKB Tel-U). They won 3rd Place in Case Competition of Public Relations, Communication’s Day, Ahmad Dahlan University in Yogyakarta which was held on Saturday (30/5) then.
BANDUNG, TEL-U – Students from Faculty of Communications and Business Telkom University (FKB Tel-U) achieved 3rd place in the Public Relations Debate Competition, Kampong Communications in 2015, which was held at the Islamic University of Indonesia (UII) in Yogyakarta. The competition was held on 25 and May 28, 2015 and Telkom University’s team managed to set aside a number of participants from various universities in Indonesia.
BANDUNG, TEL-U – More than 5 billion mobile phones send SMS data. More than 1 billion smartphones send and download data in the book, e-book, chat, pictures, photographs, video and GPS. More than 6 billion devices connected to the Internet such as servers, PCs, laptops, tablets, mobile phones, medical equipment, satellite, automotive sensors, and the ‘internet of things’ other. Web applications, e-commerce, purchase records, bank transactions, social networking and streaming activity. All of it is a large contributor to data.
BANDUNG, TEL-U – The opening week of sports and art (PORSENI) of private universities rayon V Kopertis IV Bandung region held in the Student Centre of Tel-U, Tuesday (9/6). This opening attended by vice rector IV Dr. M. Yahya Arwiyah, SH., MH., and the Director of Student Affairs Hendratno SE Akt, M.M.
BANDUNG, TEL-U – To build a business culture and innovation, built a technology insight was not enough. Psychology can be one important factor. “The aspects of psychology build motivation to be an innovator and entrepreneur. This is the key to success in building innovation system, “said professor of Saxion University Prof. Paul Bijleveld, Monday (8/6).
BANDUNG, TEL-U – Faculty of Creative Industries Telkom University (FIK Tel-U) received another achievement. They successfully won the 1st National Competition User Experience User Interface. They were Gilang Ananda Lewis, Muhridhon Ahmad, and Septian Hadiguna, a student of Visual Communication Design 2011.
BANDUNG, TEL-U – Strengthening the global standard of skilled human resources can be done through education. But not all people in a country can easily access education. Residents in remote areas may be difficult to access a good quality education, while the excellent schools and colleges are located in larger cities.
BANDUNG, TEL-U – Tim Bonanza dari Telkom University (Tel-U) berhasil meraih hadiah dalam ERM Challenges 2015. ERM Challenges 2015 merupakan lomba simulasi bisnis proses skala internasional yang tahap finalnya berlangsung di SIM Singapore University pada 9 Mei lalu. Ajang ini merupakan hasil kerjasama Telkom PCC dengan Monsoon dan SAP Asia Pasifik.