BANDUNG, Telkom University – 15 Telkom University International students from 8 countries in Asia and Europe visited the West Java Regional National Crafts Council (Dekranasda Jabar), Monday (3/2). The group led directly by the Director of Cooperation and International Office of Telkom University Lia Yuldinawati was welcomed directly by the Chairperson of the West Java […]
BANDUNG, Telkom University – To improve the quality of research, Telkom University through the Directorate of Research and Community Service in collaboration with the Institute of Education Fund Management (LPDP) organized a socialization program on the Selection of RISPRO LPDP Research Proposals in 2020. This event took place in the Multimedia Room Bangkit Building Lantai […]
Languange Center (LAC) Telkom University menggelar sebuah event bertajuk Languange Center Open House 2020 yang mengusung tema Unboxing Your Languange Skill. Kegiatan ini berlangsung di Auditorium Gedung K (Damar) Telkom University, yang sudah mulai dipadati pengunjung sejak pukul 09:00 WIB. Memulai acara, para audience langsung disambut meriah oleh tarian khas Thailand dari Rumah Seni Buana […]
BANDUNG, Telkom University – Paham radikalisme tanpa disadari di zaman yang serba canggih saat ini sudah sangat mudah berkembang, khususnya bagi generasi muda. Melalui genggaman gadget penyebaran paham radikalisme, berita hoax dan lain-lain sudah tidak terbendung. Hal tersebut diungkapkan oleh Kepala Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Terorisme (BNPT), Komjen Pol Suhardi Alius, saat mengisi kuliah umum dengan topik […]
BANDUNG, Telkom University – at the top of anniversary celebration of Bandung Techno Park (BTP) 10th, BTP successfully held a Seminar & Expo (BTP SaE) and industrial gathering with the theme “Towards Sustainable Science Techno Park” which took place at building C BTP, on Monday (20/1). As part of the campus of Telkom University, BTP […]
Telkom University re-held the Dormitory Culinary Night which took place on Thursday (16/1) at the Putra boarding Bike Park Telkom University. This culinary Festival is a program from the field of student affairs Tel-U, the goal is to tighten the fraternity rope among new students. Vice Rector III of the mission and career development of […]
Telkom University – Telkom University is also proud of the appointment of Setyanto Hantoro on Monday (3/1) officially assigned as Telkomsel Managing Director, which was announced at the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (RUPS LB). Setyanto Hantoro was one of Telkom University alumni (dh. Telkom College of Technology) in 1991-1995 and continued his graduate studies […]
Bandung, Telkom University – On Thursday (9/1) Tel-U conducted lecturers’ support for the academic year 2019/2020 in the Hall of the Faculty of Applied Sciences. This activity is routinely held in the new semester with the aim of socializing what programs will be achieved in lectures in the semester to be taken. On this occasion, […]
BANDUNG, Telkom University – Entering 2020, Telkom University welcomes the presence of new families consisting of lecturers and Academic Support Workers (TPA). In order to improve the administrative service process and fulfillment of lecturer ratios, as many as 107 new lecturers and 48 academic support staff (TPA) starting January 1, 2020, have joined as part […]
Bandung, PT. INTI – Monday, (30/12) Telkom University was officially invited to the anniversary of PT Industry Telekomunikasi Indonesia (INTI), in addition to participating in various events held the purpose of the Tel-U present at this event was to collaborate in the form of a memorandum of understanding ( MoU) The MoU between PT INTI […]