Category: News

Rector of Telkom University appointed as Supervisor of Scout Movement

Bandung, Telkom University – according to the Basic Law of the Scout Movement No. 12 year 2010 about the management structure. The college must have a front cluster headed by the Assembly of Scout Movement (Mabigus) which in this case is Rector Tekom University Prof. Dr. Adiwijaya The inauguration procession was carried out by Bandung […]

Telkom University planted hundreds of trees in Citarum Watershed

BANDUNG, Telkom University – in accordance with Perpres No 15 years 2018 about accelerating pollution control and destruction of Citarum River basin, Telkom University continues to contribute in preserving and creating the Citarum River into a beautiful place and make fragrant Citarum return. On Wednesday 13 November 2019, Telkom University again held activities in River […]

Telkom University and BSSN degree Confrence and National Workshop

BANDUNG, Telkom University – In order to study and improve the quality of human resources related to cyber security, Telkom University as one of the best ICT-based universities in Indonesia in cooperation with BSSN (Badan Siber & password Negara) and IHP will hold Seminar and Honeynet Workshop with the theme “Improved early detection ability and […]

Tel-U Coffee inaugurated, a cup of coffee for Endownment Fund

Bandung, Telkom University – Seeing the leaders of Tel-U gathering together with alumni and students on Saturday morning is a memorable sight, they are talking and discussing, asking the news and giving each other positive vibes. These academic civitas gathered in a new café located behind the public Lecture building (GKU) or the Pineapple Temple, [...]

Students of Tel-U Create a “New To The World” Camping tool

BANDUNG, Telkom University – 3 students Faculty of Industrial Engineering Telkom University namely Muhammad Fakhrul Mukmin, Ryan Gamas Agromega and Nurul Taqwa, managed to win the first prize in the competition Industrial Design Competition (INDISCO) 2019 held by Diponegoro University on 1 – 3 November 2019 at UNDIP Campus, Semarang. The International-class competition, held by […]

fasilitasunggulan 1

Student Tel-U wins champion at Rock Expert South East Asia Climbing Festival

Bandung, Telkom University-student Telkom University managed to ride the podium at the race Rock Expert South East Asia Climbing Festival on (28/10) coinciding with the day of the Youth oath. This competition is located at Venue Wall Climbing Mahapala University Negeri Semarang (UNNES), Gunungpati, Semarang. Students of Tel-U who managed to ride the podium are [...]
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Two days underway, thousands of Job Seeker assault Career Days Telkom University

Bandung, Telkom University - after being directly inaugurated by the Vice Rector of the mission and career development, Dr. Dida Diah Damajanti, S.T., M. Eng. Sc. On Wednesday (30/10), the 16th Career Days of Tel-U is still ongoing to this day. Based on data compiled from the Career Development Center (CDC) of Tel-U, to date [...]
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Career Day Menjadi Jembatan Para Lulusan Perguruan Tinggi

BANDUNG, Telkom University – Telkom University sebagai perguruan tinggi yang meraih predikat bintang 5 pada kategori employability pada pemeringkatan QS Star dunia, harus bertanggung jawab akan lulusan yang berkualitas dan cepat diserap oleh industry. Selain menargetkan  menjadi perguruan tinggi dengan lulusan entrepreneur, tentu Telkom University juga harus mempersiapkan lulusan untuk masuk dalam dunia professional kerja. [...]
fasilitasunggulan 1

KPK Corner Becomes A Place To Learn How To Eradicate Corruption

BANDUNG, Telkom University – Open Library Telkom University added new facilities. The previous collaboration with Bank Indonesia (BI) to establish BI Corner, this time in collaboration with the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), Open Library received a new facility in the form of KPK Corner located at Telkom University Open Library. The KPK Corner was officially [...]