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Career Day Tel-U, Jembatan Lulusan Menuju Perusahaan

BANDUNG, TEL-U– Ratusan pencari kerja memenuhi Career Day 2016 yang digelar di lantai dasar Gedung Manterawu Tel-U, 10 – 11 Agustus 2016. Acara yang diselenggarakan oleh Direktorat Pusat Pengembangan Karir Telkom University (Tel-U Karir) ini berlangsung setahun 3 kali setiap menjelang kegiatan Wisuda di Telkom University.

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Dunia Pendidikan Harus Mampu Menjawab Tantangan Global

BANDUNG, TEL-U – Dunia pendidikan di Indonesia harus mampu menjawab tantangan global baik dunia kerja ataupun tantangan global dalam mengatasi isu-isu dunia. Karena itu peran kampus dalam dunia pendidikan harus mampu membantu mahasiswanya dalam menghadapi era globalisasi yang dibekali tidak hanya di dalam kepala tetapi juga di jiwanya.

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Habibie Ajak Peneliti Muda Indonesia Teruskan Jejaknya

SOLO, TEL-U – Penggagas Dewan Riset Nasional yang juga Presiden ke-3 Republik Indonesia, Prof BJ Habibie mengajak para peneliti muda di Indonesia untuk meneruskan jejak penelitian yang pernah digagas para peneliti terdahulu. “Anda sekarang lebih mudah berarti harapan saya hasilnya lebih baik dari saya dulu,” ujarnya, Selasa (9/8).

Career day

Tel-U Career Day, a Gate to the Company!

BANDUNG, TEL-U- Hundreds of job seekers crowd out the Career Day 2016 which held at the ground floor of Manterawu Building Tel-U, 10 to 11 August 2016. The event was organized by Directorate of Telkom University Career Development Center lasted 3 times in a year before the Graduation in Telkom University.

Leaders Talk

Education Should Be Able to Respond the Global Challenges

BANDUNG, TEL-U – Indonesia’s Education should be able to answer the global challenge either the workforce or global challenges in addressing world issues. Therefore the campus role in education world should be able to help students facing the globalization which was equipped not only store on their mind but also on their soul.


Habibie Invited Indonesia Young Researchers to Forward the Vestige

SOLO, TEL-U – The originator of the National Research Council who is also the 3rd President of Republic of Indonesia, Prof BJ Habibie invited young researchers in Indonesia to continue the research’s vestige which have been initiated by previous researchers. “Your era is easy now, means my expectations the results are better than I was,” he said, Tuesday (9/8).