Tel-U Enhanced Geladi Program with PT Pos Indonesia

BANDUNG, TEL-U – Telkom University (Tel-U) created a partnership with PT. Pos Indonesia (Persero) associated with Geladi Program in Resource Development. Cooperation was formally agreed and set in the form of a cooperation agreement (PKS) in Bangkit Building, 2nd Floor Tel-U, Monday (7/3).

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Tel-U Jajaki Kerjasama dengan Kumamoto University Jepang

TOKYO, TEL-U – Rektor Telkom University (Tel-U) Prof Mochamad Ashari M Eng PhD, optimis dalam waktu tidak lama lagi Tel-U akan bekerja sama dengan Kumamoto University Jepang. Hal ini disampaikan Rektor usai bertemu dengan Presiden Kumamoto University, Dekan Graduate School of Science and Technoloogy (GSST), beberapa pengajar, dan dosen Tel-U yang sedang melakukan studi S3 di Kumamoto University, Kamis (3/3).

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MM FEB Tel-U Raih Akreditasi Internasional ABEST 21

TOKYO, TEL-U – Program Magister Manajemen Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Telkom University (MM Tel-U) menerima akreditasi Internasional dari The Alliance on Business Education and Scholarship for Tomorrow, a 21st century organization (ABEST21). Tel-U meraih akreditasi ini bersama sembilan penyelenggara program pascasarjana di bidang manajemen dan ekonomi bisnis dari lima negara.

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Tel-U Interlaced Cooperation with Kumamoto University Japan

TOKYO, TEL-U – Rector of Telkom University (Tel-U) Prof Mochamad Ashari M Eng PhD, optimistic that in a short time will cooperate with Kumamoto University – Japan. This was conveyed by the Rector after meeting with President of Kumamoto University, Dean of Graduate School of Science and Technoloogy (GSST) and Tel-U lecturers who is currently conducting S3 at Kumamoto University, Thursday (3/3).


Master of Management FEB Tel-U Received International Accreditation ABEST 21

TOKYO, TEL-U – Master of Management Faculty of Economics and Business Telkom University (MM Tel-U) received international accreditation from The Alliance on Business Education and Scholarship for Tomorrow, a 21st century organization (ABEST21). Tel-U achieved this accreditation along with nine of graduate programs in business management and economics from five countries.

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Penemu Teknologi Standar ITU Kembangkan Teknologi 5G

BANDUNG, TEL-U – Penemu teknologi 4G untuk telekomuniksi, Dr Khoirul Anwar, saat ini tengah mengembangkan teknologi 5G dan 6G. “Saya harap tekhnologi 5G ini akan selesai pada tahun 2020 dan akan bisa kita rasakan pada tahun 2025 sedangkan teknologi 6G diharapkan selesai pada tahun 2030,” ujarnya.

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Mahasiswa Ikom Kembali Gelar Broadcast Movie Project

BANDUNG, TEL-U – Mahasiswa Ilmu Komunikasi, Fakultas Komunikasi dan Bisnis Telkom University (Ikom FKB Tel-U) kembali menggelar acara tahunan yaitu Broadcast Movie Project (BMP). Bertajuk BMP 2016, acara ini digelar pada Kamis (25/02) di Aula Gedung Kawalusu FKB.


The 4G Contriver Develop 5G and 6G

BANDUNG, TEL-U – The contriver of 4G technology for telecommunication, Dr Khoirul Anwar, is currently developing a 5G and 6G technology. “I hope this 5G technology will be completed by 2020 and will be operated on 2025 while the 6G technology is expected to be completed in 2030,” he said.

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IKOM Students Stage Back the Broadcast Movie Project

BANDUNG, Tel-U – Student of Communication Studies, Faculty of Communication and Business Telkom University (FKB IKOMTel-U) held an annual event called Broadcast Movie Project (BMP). Titled BMP 2016, this event was held on Thursday (25/02) in the Auditorium of Kawalusu Building FKB.


Tel-U Crowned as 1st Winner in Barcelona

BANDUNG, TEL-U – Again, Telkom University (Tel-U) showed its existence at international arena. This achievement carved through the prestigious event, Global Mobile Innovators Tournament 2016 organized by IBM 4YFN (4 Years from Now), AT & T, KPN, Rogers Communications, and Vodafone in Montjouic Fira, Barcelona on 22 to 25 February 2016.