fasilitasunggulan 1

Pengabdian Masyarakat, Dosen Tel-U Mengecat Rumah Warga Kampung Kreatif Pasundan

BANDUNG, TEL-U – Sejumlah dosen Program Studi Desain Interior Fakultas Industri Kreatif Telkom University (Prodi DI FIK Tel-U) menyelenggarakan program Pengabdian Masyarakat (Abdimas) di Kampung Kreatif Pasundan Kota Bandung. Kali ini program abdimas diisi dengan mengecat rumah warga yang berlokasi di RW 04 Kelurahan Balong Gede Kecamatan Regol Kota Bandung.

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Tel-U Kerjasama dengan Seoul Institute of Arts dalam Pertukaran Kegiatan Budaya

BANDUNG, TEL-U – Membuka tahun 2016, Telkom University resmi menjalin kerjasama dengan Seoul Institute of Arts dalam bidang seni dan teknologi. Kerjasama tersebut kemudian disahkan dalam Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) yang ditandatangani oleh Rektor Tel-U, Prof Ir  Mochamad Ashari, M Eng, Ph D   , dan President Seoul Institute of Arts, Duk Hyung-Yoo pada Kamis (07/01) di Ruang Rapat Rektor, Gedung Bangkit Tel-U.

Seoul Rector

Tel-U Interlaced the Cooperation with Seoul Institute of Arts in Cultural Exchange Event

BANDUNG, TEL-U – Opened in 2016, Telkom University official cooperation with Seoul Institute of Arts in the field of art and technology. The cooperation realized into a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed by  Rector of Tel-U, Prof. Ir Mochamad Ashari, M Eng, Ph D, and President of the Seoul Institute of Arts, Duk Hyung-Yoo on Thursday (07/01) at Space meeting Rector, Bangkit Building Tel-U.


Opening The Cooperation, Seoul Institute of the Arts Visited FIK Tel-U

BANDUNG, TEL-U – Rector of Seoul Institute of the Arts (Mr.Yoo DH) and Dean of External Relations Dep. / Media Dep, Film Major (Mr. Tay Yoo); Executive Director of Art & Technology Center / Music Dep. Applied Music Major (Mr. Hodge Kang); and Performing Art Dep. Acting Major visited the Faculty of Creative Industries Tel-U in Sebatik Building (FIK), on Thursday (07/01).

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Jalin Kerjasama, Seoul Institute of The Arts Lakukan Kunjungan ke FIK Tel-U

BANDUNG, TEL-U – Rektor Seoul Institute of The Arts (Mr.Yoo DH) serta dekan External Relation Dep. / Media Dep, Film Major (Mr. Tay Yoo); Executive Director of Art & Technology Center/Music Dep. Applied Music Major (Mr. Hodge Kang); dan Performing Art Dep. Acting Major kunjungi Fakultas Industri Kreatif Tel-U di gedung Sebatik (FIK), Kamis (07/01).

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Guna Kepentingan Pengajaran, Dosen Diminta Rajin Mengakses Web Tel-U

BANDUNG, TEL-U –Wakil Rektor 1 Telkom University (Warek 1 Tel-U) Dr Ir Heroe Wijanto, MT mengajak staff pengajar (dosen) Tel-U untuk bisa lebih aktif lagi dalam mengakses website Tel-U. hal ini disampaikan Warek 1 Rapat Koordinasi Pengampuan Perkuliahan Semester Genap Tahun Akademik 2015/2016 yang dihadiri oleh ratusan dosen dari tujuh fakultas, di Aula Fakultas Ilmu Terapan, Kamis (7/1).

akses web tel u

Teaching Concern:  Lecturer Requested to frequently Access Tel-U Website

BANDUNG, TEL-U – Vice Rector 1 Telkom University, Dr Ir Heroe Wijanto, MT invited Tel-U lecturers to be more active in accessing Tel-U website. It is submitted by Warek at Coordination Meeting Assisted Class  Second Semester, Academic Year 2015/2016, which was attended by hundreds of professors from seven faculties, in the Hall of the Faculty of Applied Sciences, on Thursday (7/1).

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Rektor Ajak Para Dosen Tingkatkan Kualitas Sumber Daya

BANDUNG, TEL-U – Rektor Telkom University (Tel-U) Prof Ir Mochamad Ashari M Eng, PhD mengajak seluruh dosen untuk turut serta meningkatkan kualias sumber daya (resources). Hal ini disampaikan oleh Rektor saat membuka Rapat Koordinasi Pengampuan Perkuliahan Semester Genap Tahun Akademik 2015/2016 yang dihadiri oleh ratusan dosen dari tujuh fakultas, di Aula Fakultas Ilmu Terapan, Kamis (7/1).

Rektor kualitas

Rector Invited the Lecturer to Improve the Quality of Resources

BANDUNG, TEL-U – Rector of Telkom University (Tel-U), Prof. Ir Mochamad Ashari M Eng, PhD invited all lecturer to participate and improved the quality of resources. It is delivered by Rector during the opening Class Coordination Meeting Assisted Second Semester Academic Year 2015/2016, which was attended by hundreds of professors from seven faculties, in the Faculty of Applied Sciences’ Hall, on Thursday (7/1).