Kidney is a vital organ for human life. The function of the kidney is to filter blood. These days, most people are unaware of the importance of kidney’s health condition. Kidney disease has a serious long-term effect, death; and, the serious short-term effect, continuous hemodialysis. Rohmat Saedudin, one of the investors of Mockey Startup, develops […]
Currently, the creative industry is expanding. According to the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology of the Republic of Indonesia’s website, creative economy sub-sector generated Rp1,153.4 trillion of GDP in 2019, or 7.3% of the total national GDP, 15.2% of the workforce, and 11.9% of exports. The creative industry is defined as an industry that uses […]
On Tuesday, March 21, 2023, Telkom University received a Huawei Base Station 5.5G (BTS 5.5G) grant from Huawei at the meeting room of PUI-PT AICOMS (Center for Science and Technology of Advanced Intelligent Communications Higher Education). The 5.5G BTS grant handover was witnessed by Huawei Technologies APAC Wireless Industry Development and Wireless Development Director Mr. […]
 The growth of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSME) in Indonesia is so rapid. This situation can be seen from the data reported by the Ministry of Cooperation and Small and Medium Enterprises (Kemenkop UKM) with the total MSME in Indonesia reaching 8.71 million business units in 2022. Underlying the growth, one of the startups […]
Soctravo, one of startup assisted by Bandung Techno Park (BTP), is an application that helps the potential tourism spots to sell their products (souvenirs) or their tourism packages by highlighting the concept of Voluntourism which combines volunteering and traveling activities. Soctravo has been developed since 2017. This application was originally initiated by Pemuda Peduli Foundation, […]
Through the vision of becoming a research and entrepreneurial university in 2023, Telkom University continues to strive for its commitment to utilize technology, science, and art for the welfare and advancement of the nation’s civilization through entrepreneurial competence. In his remarks for the Graduation Period II of 2022/2023 Academic Year, Rector of Telkom University, Prof. […]
Bandung Techno Park (BTP) through the BizTalk program held a Hybrid Webinar entitled ‘Building Business Ideas’ on Wednesday (15/3). This webinar aims to bring together startup practitioners and Tel-U students to share expertise and motivation related to building a startup from scratch. BizTalk is a regular event hosted by BTP. In his remarks, BTP director, […]
The abundant harvest produced by the community of vegetable farmers in Enam Village, Tarakan City often becomes a problem. The high supply of harvest does not match the available market demand. The consumers of the harvest mainly consist of the local residents and the harvest sale relies on the local collectors and markets. As a […]
BANDUNG, FEBRUARY 2, 2023 Nowadays, the opportunity to become an entrepreneur is getting wider. With digitalization, a student can get lessons to become an entrepreneur from anywhere. In this case, Tel-U, which has a vision to become the best Research and Entrepreneur campus in Indonesia, has an important role in instilling an entrepreneurial spirit to […]
Bandung, Telkom University – The culmination of the 32nd anniversary of Telkom University by presenting “Digital Talent and Innovation: Creating The Future”. This event was enlivened by a talk show, MSIB Fair, and Market Day. This event took place on Tuesday (29/11) on the front page of the Telkom University Convention Hall. The purpose of […]