BANDUNG, TEL-U – Dini Amalia dan Alen Salvo Pratomo, mahasiswa Fakultas Rekayasa Industri Telkom University (FRI Tel-U) berhasil meraih Juara 2 dalam lomba disain piala dan plakat PEEN (Penghargaan Efisiensi Energi Nasional) 2016.
BANDUNG, TEL-U – Bulan Ramadhan merupakan momentum penting bagi setiap muslim di seluruh dunia, tak terkecuali bagi civitas academica Telkom University (Tel-U). Bulan suci ini tidak hanya tepat untuk memperbanyak amal ibadah, tapi juga waktu yang tepat untuk melakukan evaluasi diri dan mensyukuri apa yang telah diraih selama ini.
BANDUNG, TEL-U – Dini Amalia and Alen Salvo Pratomo, students from School of Industrial Engineering Telkom University (FRI Tel-U) achieved the second Place at Trophy and Plaque Design Competition for PEEN (National Energy Efficiency Award) in 2016.
BANDUNG, TEL-U – Ramadhan was important moment for all moslem around the world, not least for the academic community Telkom University (Tel-U). This holy month not only to multipy the act of worship, but also this was the right time to do self evaluation and be thankful of what we have reached for all the time.
BANDUNG, TEL-U – The academician need to understand what plagiarism is, what the legal effect, as well as the technology which can help avoid such crimes. But above all, the academician must have the intellectual integrity that became the main stronghold of plagiarism.
BANDUNG, TEL-U – Kembali mahasiswa Telkom University menorehkan prestasi pada ajang internasional. Kali ini prestasi diraih oleh tim Garuda Malaka pada Industry Applications Society (IAS) Awards 2016 yang diikuti oleh perwakilan mahasiswa dan profesional muda (Student dan Young Professional Representative) anggota Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) dari seluruh dunia.
Found Installation of Solar Cells for Mapur Island Residents, Students of Tel-U Crowned as 1st Winne
BANDUNG, TEL-U – Again, Telkom University students earn achievements in the international arena. This time the feat achieved by team of Garuda Malacca on Industry Application Society (IAS) Awards 2016 were followed Student and Young Professional Representatives member of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) from around the world.
BANDUNG, TEL-U – A number of representatives from four universities in Spain visited Telkom University (Tel-U), Wednesday (15/6). Their visit was received by Vice Rector 1 Academic and Information Systems Affairs, Dr. Heroe Wijanto, MT, at 5th floor, Bangkit Building.
Found Installation of Solar Cells for Mapur Island Residents, Students of Tel-U Crowned as 1st Winne
BANDUNG, TEL-U – Again, Telkom University students earn achievements in the international arena. This time the feat achieved by team of Garuda Malacca on Industry Application Society (IAS) Awards 2016 were followed Student and Young Professional Representatives member of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) from around the world.
BANDUNG, TEL-U – Para akademisi perlu memahami apa itu plagiarisme, bagaimana dampak hukumnya, serta teknologi yang dapat membantunya terhindar dari kejahatan tersebut. Namun di atas itu semua, para akademisi harus memiliki kejujuran intelektual yang menjadi benteng utama dari plagiarisme.