Category: News

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Tel-U Ukir Prestasi di PMDC

BANDUNG, TEL-U – Sudah sebelas kali kompetisi Perbanas Marketing Debate Competition (PMDC) sudah beberapa kali tim Telkom University (Tel-U) menjadi mempertahankan predikat juara. Pada PMDC tahun ini tim Tel-U berhasil menduduki juara ke-2 dan Runner Up.
“Kompetisi berlangsung selama 4 hari dari tanggal 7 hingga 10 September. Setiap tahap berhasil kami lewati. Di antaranya tahap pre elimination sebanyak 3 tahap, kemudian tahap perdelapan, semi final dan final,” kata Wisnu Yusuf Koordinator Divisi Competition Handling Search Telkom University (Tel-U), Kamis (17/9).


ZTE Ready to Give Scholarship to Tel-U Best Student

BANDUNG, TEL-U – As a part of Second Anniversary Telkom University (Tel-U) and Bandung ICT Expo 2015 (10-12 September 2015), Tel-U and China Telecommunications Vendor Zhongxing Telecommunication Equipment (ZTE) agreed to develop Indonesian human resources with knowledge and high skills in the field of ICT.

Pepes Kosong

Internet usage in Indonesia Still Contains Nonsense

BANDUNG, TEL-U – Communications and Information Technology Ministry targeted the Indonesian Internet users reached 150 million people until late of 2015. That is as much as 61 percent of Indonesia’s population can access Internet to help interconnected with one another easily. The goal, in order to increase the level of public knowledge and welfare.

4Best E

Four Company Achieved “Best e-Mark Award 2015”

BANDUNG, TEL-U – Four companies won “1st Winner Indonesia Best e-Mark Award 2015” announced on the sidelines of Bandung ICT Expo 2015 Opening in Mantarawu Building Telkom University, Thursday (10/9). The award and Bandung ICT Expo 2015 are part of Second Anniversary Telkom University Event.


Tel-U Wished to Continue Develop the Creative Industry

BANDUNG, TEL-U – Rector of Telkom University (Tel-U), Prof. Mochammad Ashari, M. Eng., Ph.D., insisting that Tel-U management planned to continue develop the creative industries in Indonesia. It is delivered during the opening of Bandung Creative Movement (BCM) in 2015, on Tuesday (8/9).

Lang Culture

Language Centre Held International Language and Culture Festival 2015

BANDUNG, TEL-U – Diversity of culture become something that cannot be denied its existence in this country. Through cultural diversity, relations between countries could more closely. Harmony in Diversity set as theme of this International Language and Culture Festival (ILCF) 2015, which held in Tel-U Convention Hall, Saturday (5/9).


Public Relation Competencies Should In line with ICT Development

BANDUNG, TEL – U – Whether or not the world community is now confronted with changes in information and communication technology (ICT) is so rapid. The presence of Internet has become a part of life. Social media, blogs, online petitions and online news media and other applications allow people to channel their opinions in public with ease.

fasilitasunggulan 1

Pelajari SAP Agar Siap Bersaing

BANDUNG, TEL-U -Era Masyarakat Ekonomi Asean (MEA) memungkinkan arus tenaga kerja tak terbatas. Hal itu bisa menjadi peluang ataupun tantangan. Tantangannya, tenaga kerja asing bisa saja masuk ke Indonesia. Sedangkan peluangnya, SDM Indonesia juga bisa bekerja di negara Asean lainnya. Menyikapi tantangan dan peluang ini, mahasiswa sebaiknya mempersiapkan diri agar lebih siap menghadapi persaingan. Salah satunya dengan program sertifikasi SAP.