BANDUNG, TEL-U – For lecturers, scientific publications at international journals are very important in supporting their career. In addition to developing science, scientific publications is very influential in the promotion of lecturers and the reputation of the institution. More and more scientific papers indexed lecturer at international scientific journals, the better college's reputation in international world.
BANDUNG, TEL-U – Mahasiswa FKB Tel-U kembali mengukir prestasi. Dua delegasi dari Tel-U berhasil meraih juara 1 dan 2 dalam Festival Jurnalistik 2015 kategori Citizen Journalism yang diselenggarakan oleh Institut Ilmu Sosial dan Politik (IISIP) Jakarta, Selasa-Rabu (5-6/5). Juara 1 diraih oleh Kevin Sephtama Kurnianto sedangkan juara 2 diraih oleh Dena Novita Rosiana dan Ridho Robby. Mereka mahasiswa Ilmu Komunikasi.
BANDUNG, TEL-U – Directorate of SISFO Telkom University introduce the Google Apps system that can be integrated with Tel-U services system as iGracias. This Web-based system known as Google Apps for Education (GAFE), can help the whole community of Tel-U to login to the services provided by Google use SSO.
BANDUNG, TEL-U – After about a month preparatory stage, Telkom University Information Center (Information Center, Tel-U) officially opened. The official announcement of internal and external information center is carried out by Tel-U Rector, Prof. Ir Mochamad Ashari, M.Eng., Ph.D accompanied by all vice-rector, Tuesday (12/5).
BANDUNG, TEL-U – Exactly at 14:30 pm, Thursday (7/5), a team of young Astacala Telkom University (Tel-U) set foot in the post mountaineering Butak (2868 mdpl), through Kencong Sirah Tea Plantation, Ngadirenggo village Sub Wlingi, Blitar, East Java. It was the end point of the team after one-week trip traveling. A team of six Tel-U students is Arief Naibaho (IF 2012), Epo Ilham Aji Prasetyo (Electro 2011), Dhiky Wahyu Santoso (Electro 2011), M. Nuruzzamaniridha (TT 2012), Ryan Aminullah (TT 2013) and Samuel Aditya ( TT 2013).
BANDUNG, TEL-U – Pada semester genap ini, mahasiswa Fakultas Industri Kreatif Telkom University (FIK Tel-U) berhasil meraih 18 penghargaan. “Ini merupakan jumlah prestasi terbanyak pada semester ini,” ujar Dekan FIK, Dr.Ir. H. Agus Achmad Suhendra, MT, Jumat (22/5).
BANDUNG, TEL-U – Film karya mahasiswa Fakultas Industri Kreatif Telkom University (FIK Tel-U) berhasil menyabet juara 1 dan 2 pada ajang Art and Sport Competition of Psychology Students (ASCOPS). Kompetisi yang bertema Artsportlidarity ini diselenggarakan oleh BEMF Psikologi Universitas Gunadarma di Sport Center Kampus H Universitas Gunadarma, Kelapa Dua, Depok, 7-12 Mei lalu.
BANDUNG, TEL-U – Mahasiswa Teknik Industri Telkom University (Tel-U) belum lama ini berhasil menyabet juara 3 dalam kompetisi nasional keilmuan teknik industri yang diselenggarakan di Universitas Pelita Harapan (UPH) Karawaci, Tangerang. Kompetisi tersebut diikuti oleh mahasiswa Teknik Industri seluruh Indonesia.
BANDUNG, TEL-U – Direktorat SISFO Telkom University menghadirkan sistem Google Apps yang bisa terintegrasi dengan sistem layanan milik Tel-U seperti iGracias. Sistem berbasis web yang dikenal dengan nama Google Apps For Education (GAFE), dapat membantu seluruh civitas Tel-U untuk login pada layanan yang diberikan oleh Google dengan menggunakan SSO.
BANDUNG, TEL-U – The government plans to build and develop 100 Science Techno Park (STP) or the National Science and Technology parks in every province in Indonesia. The plan is in accordance with President Joko Widodo program that is Cita Nawa. STP will be professionally managed areas with the aim of encouraging sustainable economic growth.