JAKARTA, Telkom University – PT Telkom Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (Telkom) represented by the Director of Telkom Human Capital Management who is also Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Telkom Education Foundation, Edi Witjara handed over Autonomous UVC Mobile Robot (AUMR) assistance to the Presidential Chief of Staff, Moeldoko and subsequently submitted to the […]
BANDUNG, Telkom University – Pandemi COVID-19 yang saat ini masih bergulir membuat sebagian masyarakat kehilangan mata pencahariannya, hal tersebut berakibat timbulnya kesulitan ekonomi yang dihadapi. Masih dalam suasana hari raya Idul Fitri, Telkom University memberikan bantuan kepada Panti Jompo Muhammadiyah Rancabolang yang berlangsung, Rabu (27/5). Bantuan yang diberikan sebagai bentuk kepedulian Tel-U terhadap masyarakat khususnya […]
Google Meet – Direktorat Kemahasiswaan Telkom University menggelar Seminar Online Dosen dengan Tema Helping Relationship in Student Advertising “Relasi Menolong dalam Proses Perwalian” Bersama Ketua Ikatan Psikologi Klinis Jawa Barat, Dr. Henndy Ginting, S.Psi., M.Si. Psikolog pada Rabu, (20/5). Seperti yang kita ketahui Tel-U memiliki Value yang terdiri dari Harmony, Excellence, dan Integrity (HEI). Merupakan […]
BANDUNG, Telkom University – All industrial sectors struggling a disease outbreak caused by the coronavirus or commonly known as COVID-19 (Corona Virus Diseases-19). Then how is the condition of the education sector in Indonesia during this pandemic? Elsevier Asia Pacific held an Expert Series Webinar titled “The Roles of Higher Education in Facing the New […]
BANDUNG, Telkom University – Telkom University through the Directorate of Research and Community Service organized a Technical Workshop on the Compilation and Research Proposals. The event was attended by at least 200 participants through the Zoom Application on Monday (5/18). Research for a lecturer is one of the tri dharma of higher education that must […]
BANDUNG, Telkom University – Telkom University as Information, Communication & Technology (ICT) based university continues to innovate even during this pandemic. The innovation just created by Telkom University is a Mobile Application titled Quick ISK (Instrument Supplement Conversion). Having the tagline “One Quick Count Application, Conversion of Accreditation Ranking” (Satu Aplikasi Hitung Cepat, Konversi Peringkat […]
BANDUNG, Telkom University – During the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak, the quality of university continues to be improved. Then how to maintain the quality of higher education during this pandemic? Telkom University organized socialization titled “Quality Assurance of Higher Education in the Covid-19 Pandemic”, which was followed by 489 universities in the West Java through the […]
BANDUNG, Telkom University – Telkom University Alumni Forum (FAST) of the Telkom Group donates Rp. 371 million in this blessed Ramadan. The donation was channeled to the Telkom University campus for the construction of the Syamsul Ulum campus mosque, a package for orphans and students, and SEMBAKO for communities around the Telkom University. Chairperson of […]
BANDUNG, Telkom University – Telkom University with the Telkom University Alumni Forum (FAST) organized the sharing session. This program invited the President Director of Telkomsel, Setyanto Hantoro to share his experiences during college and share the keys to his success. This event conducted online through the CloudX application, Saturday (5/16). Setyanto Hantoro is 1991 Industrial […]
BANDUNG, Telkom University – High School Webinar Series is entering the 7th episode. Center of Learning & Open Education (CeLOE) organized a new episode on Friday (5/15) entitled “Ngobrolin Multimedia Broadcasting Yuk Gaes!” with the lecturer in the School of Communication and Business, Oki Achmad Ismail. Oki explained how the development of conventional media, which […]