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The Introduction of Online SME Program by the Cooperative Board of West Java Province

Bandung, Telkom University – SME has a significant role and contribution in mobilizing the economy in Indonesia. For that reason, support for the perpetrators of SMEs should continue to be done. As conducted by School of Communication Business (FKB) Telkom University which organized a sharing session that exposed the constraints and challenges of SMEs from representatives of the Department of SME, Perindag and coach of SME “on Wednesday, (26/4) in the Meeting Room of School of Communication and Business, Telkom University.

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Kopertis IV: Telkom University Harus Jadi Kiblat Universitas di Jawa Barat

Bandung, Progresifitas perkembangan Telkom University selama ini mengesankan bagi Koordinator kantor Koordinasi Perguruan Tinggi Swasta (Kopertis IV) wilayah Jawa Barat dan Banten, Profesor Uman Suherman. Hal tersebut ia utarakan saat Rektor Telkom University Profesor Mochamad Ashari berkunjung dalam rangka hearing regulasi terkait karir akademik dosen.

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FRI Telkom University Borong Prestasi

BANDUNG, Telkom University –  Tim PandaBoo Developers Fakultas Rekayasa Industri (FRI) yang beranggotakan Nikmah, Citra, dan Januar berhasil meraih juara 2 Business Plan Competition Universitas Muhammadyah Yogyakarta 2017 pada 15 April 2017 lalu.

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Tingkatkan Serapan Alumni: Telkom University Selenggarakan Job Expo

Bandung, Telkom University – Sedikitnya 840 sarjana, 83 Ahli Madya dan 58 Magister telah mengikuti prosesi wisuda di Telkom University Convention Hall (TUCH) pada Sabtu (25/3/17). Dari total 981 lulusan terbaik pada periode ini, 235 lulusan berijazah cumlaude. Wisuda kali ini sekaligus menggenapi jumlah lulusan Telkom University yang tersebar di 30 negara sebesar 36.763 alumni.

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Telkom University Kukuhkan Profesor Matematika

BANDUNG, Telkom University. Dalam rentang waktu 4 tahun terakhir ini, Universitas Telkom mencatatkan perkembangan progresif. Setelah berhasil meraih Akreditasi Institusi Perguruan Tinggi dengan predikat unggul A, susul menyusul kemudian meraih sertifikasi Internasional terkait layanan berbasis teknologi informasi ISO 20000:1-2011, dan pada Rabu (19/4/17) melalui sidang senat terbuka, Rektor Telkom University mengukuhkan Dr. Adiwijaya sebagai Profesor bidang Ilmu Matematika.

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Increase the Alumni Absorption: Telkom University Organized Job Expo

Bandung, Telkom University – At least 840 Bachelors, 83 Diplomas and 58 Masters have attended graduation ceremony at Telkom University Convention Hall (TUCH) on Saturday (25/3/17). Out of a 981 best graduaands in this period, 235 graduands are cum laude. This graduation also fulfilled the number of Telkom University graduands which is spread in 30 countries amounted to 36,763 alumni.

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Telkom University Inaugurate the Professor of Mathematics

BANDUNG, Telkom University. In the last 4 years, Telkom University recorded progressive growth. After achieving the “A” accreditation of Higher Education Institution, after following the International certification related to information technology based on ISO 20000: 1-2011, and on Wednesday (19/4/17) through open senate session, Telkom University Rector confirmed Dr . Adiwijaya as Professor of Mathematics.