070417 mahasiswa STMIK di perpustakaan 1

Students of STMIK Dharma Wacana Lampung Enjoy Telkom University Open Library Facilities

Bandung, Telkom University – The guests consist of students and some professors attended and listened to the material presented by the Vice Dean from School of Informatics 1 directly conducting campus tour in the event which was held in Building D, School of Informatics, Friday (7/4). According to the chairman of the Field Trip, Beni Nurdianto Kom, major facilities that are eager to visit by Students of STMIK Dharma Wacana Lampung was Telkom University Open Library classy library. According to him, the facility is a media to support the learning proccess of the academic community.

070417 kunjungan fasilitas akademis

STMIK Dharma Wacana Lampung Benchmark the Academic Facilities to Telkom University

Bandung, Telkom University – STMIK Dharma Wacana Lampung visited Telkom University on Friday (7/4) is intended as a benchmark in terms of academic and learning facilities for students. Guests visit consists of several lecturers and not less than 40 students were warmly welcomed by the Faculty of Informatics. This activity was first opened by introducing Telkom University campus as a whole by the Vice Dean 1 from School of Informatics, Dr. Suyanto, infront of guests were present at Gd. D Lt. 3 School of Informatics Telkom University.

fasilitasunggulan 1

Telkom University Career: Tech Talk Bersama Makers Institute

Bandung, Telkom University – Career Development Center atau yang sekarang dikenal dengan Tel-U Career merupakan unit yang bertanggung jawab dalam pengelolaan calon lulusan dan alumni. Maka dari itu Tel-U Career secara rutin mengadakan seminar dan bootcamp untuk membekali lulusan Telkom University.

fasilitasunggulan 1

Dharma Husada Lakukan Benchmark ke Telkom University

Bandung, Telkom University – Kampus Telkom University mendapat kunjungan dari Kampus Dharma Husada Bandung pada Rabu, (5/4). Acara ini bertujuan untuk menjalin hubungan baik serta sebagai media studi banding antara Telkom University dengan Dharma Husada. Visitasi ini sebagai benchmark dharma husada kepada telkom university untuk mempelajari pengelolaan keuangan berbasis kinerja. 

fasilitasunggulan 1

Stephen Benton: Psikologi Bisnis Dalam Meningkatkan Performa Tim

Bandung, Telkom University – Sebagai perguruan tinggi yang memiliki fakultas bisnis di dalamnya, Telkom University rutin menyelenggarakan kuliah umum bertema bisnis seperti yang berlangsung pada Selasa (4/4) dengan menghadirkan pembicara yaitu Prof. Stephen Benton B.Sc. Ph.D. M.I.O.A. C.Sci. C.Psychol (Director Business Psychology Centre University of Westminster London, UK).

fasilitasunggulan 1

Telkom University Bersama Telkomsel Resmikan iGracias Mobile

BANDUNG, Telkom University –  Telkom University bekerjasama dengan Telkomsel meresmikan aplikasi Integrated Academic Information System mobile atau iGracias mobile yang berlangsung di Aula Fakultas Ilmu Terapan (FIT) Telkom University, Senin (3/4).

fasilitasunggulan 1

Priyantono Rudito : Telkom University Siap Hadapi Era Digital

Bandung, Telkom University – Bersamaan dengan acara peluncuran iGracias Mobile, Direktur Human Capital Management Telkomsel, Ir. Priyantono Rudito, M.Bus., Ph.D, memaparkan materi bertema “Unlocking Your Best Potential From Within, To Achieve True Success” pada kuliah umum Senin (3/4) di Gd. Selaru Telkom university.