BANDUNG, TEL-U – A number of representatives from four universities in Spain visited Telkom University (Tel-U), Wednesday (15/6). Their visit was received by Vice Rector 1 Academic and Information Systems Affairs, Dr. Heroe Wijanto, MT, at 5th floor, Bangkit Building.
Found Installation of Solar Cells for Mapur Island Residents, Students of Tel-U Crowned as 1st Winne
BANDUNG, TEL-U – Again, Telkom University students earn achievements in the international arena. This time the feat achieved by team of Garuda Malacca on Industry Application Society (IAS) Awards 2016 were followed Student and Young Professional Representatives member of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) from around the world.
BANDUNG, TEL-U – Para akademisi perlu memahami apa itu plagiarisme, bagaimana dampak hukumnya, serta teknologi yang dapat membantunya terhindar dari kejahatan tersebut. Namun di atas itu semua, para akademisi harus memiliki kejujuran intelektual yang menjadi benteng utama dari plagiarisme.
BANDUNG, TEL-U – Joni Sok Jagoan judul film karya sebelas sinema berhasil menjadi juara 1 dalam ajang Police Movie Festival Short Movie & Animation Competition 2016, acara yang masuk tahun ketiga ini dibuka pendaftaran sejak 11 April sampai 4 Juni 2016.
BANDUNG, TEL-U – “Joni Sok Jagoan”, a movie by Sebelas Sinema achieved the first position at the Police Short Movie Festival & Animation Competition 2016. The third annual event opened the registration started on April 11 to June 4, 2016.
TASIKMALAYA, TEL-U – Sivitas Akademika Telkom University (Tel-U) kembali berduka. Kali ini Tel-U kehilangan seorang mahasiswanya, Rizal Kus Apriandi, yang meninggal karena sakit di Tasikmalaya, Senin (20/6) malam. Rizal menghembuskan nafasnya yang terakhir pada usia 22 tahun.
Tasikmalaya, TEL-U – Again, academic community Telkom University (Tel-U) was grieving. This time Tel-U lost one of the best student, Rizal Apriandi Kus, who died in Tasikmalaya, on Monday night (20/6). Rizal last breath at the age of 22 years.
BANDUNG, TEL-U – I Gusti Agung Rangga Lawe, mahasiswa Desain Komunikasi Visual Fakultas Industri Kreatif Telkom University (DKV FIK Tel-U) berhasil meraih Juara 3 lomba Desain Kartu Mandiri e-money yang diadakan oleh Bank Mandiri dan HelloMotion. Lomba ini berlangsung secara on line di website
BANDUNG, TEL-U – I Gusti Agung Rangga Lawe, Visual Communication Design students from School of Creative Industries Telkom University (DKV FIK Tel-U) won 3rd place at Mandiri e-money Card Design organized by Bank Mandiri and HelloMotion. This competition took place on line at the website
BANDUNG, TEL-U – Sejumlah perwakilan dari empat universitas di Spanyol berkunjung ke Telkom University (Tel-U), Rabu (15/6). Kunjungan mereka diterima oleh Wakil Rektor 1 Bidang Akademik dan Sistem Informasi, Dr Heroe Wijanto, MT di Lantai 5 Gedung Bangkit.