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Computational Science


Being Computational Science Program that is capable of producing scholars skilled, able to practice science, able to develop themselves in the fields of computing and information technology, behave and work in society, through the development of institutions, infrastructure, and resources


Organizing Tridharma and service industry, developing the academic atmosphere, empowering laboratories, develop appropriate curriculum competencies expected of the market, and improving cooperation with other institutions


Produce graduates who have the knowledge and expertise in the field of Computational Sciences, is able to practice and develop themselves and to follow developments in science and technology.


The official website


fasilitasunggulan 1

Industri Kreatif Dorong Pertumbuhan Lapangan Kerja

BANDUNG, TEL-U – Geliat ekonomi kreatif tak hanya menjadi isu di Indonesia. Di negara lain seperti Korea, industri konten menjadi kekuatan ekonomi yang dapat memperluas lapangan kerja bagi gerenasi muda. Secretariat for Economic Development of Indonesia and Korea, Yoonsung Shin, Ph.D mengatakan, Korea telah mengambil langkah dan kebijakan terkait industri konten.

D3 Teknik

Computer Engineering D3 Study Program Had Visitation by BAN PT

BANDUNG, TEL-U – Faculty of Applied Sciences (FIT) Telkom University (Tel-U) today, Tuesday (25/8) is visited by the assessor from National Accreditation Board of Higher Education (BAN-PT), Monday (24/8). At this time the assessor team consist of Iwan Sharif, Ph.D and Iwan Hartadi Tri Untoro, ST., M.Kom done the accreditation visitation to Computer Engineering Diploma Study Program.

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Pusat Bahasa Kembali Gelar International Language and Culture Festival 2015

BANDUNG, TEL-U – Keberagaman budaya menjadi sesuatu yang tidak dapat dipungkiri keberadaannya di negeri ini. Melalui keberagaman budaya, hubungan antarnegara bisa lebih erat. Seperti tema yang diusung pada International Language and Culture Festival (ILCF) 2015 yaitu Harmony in Diversity yang diselenggakan di Tel-U Convention Hall, Sabtu (5/9).

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Fakultas Rekayasa Industri Uji Coba Turbin Angin Trengginas

BANDUNG, TEL-U – Untuk membantu masyarakat dalam mendapatkan listrik, Fakultas Rekayasa Industri Telkom University (FRI Tel-U) melakukan uji coba menerapkan turbin angin pembangkit listrik di Lantai 10 Telkom University Lecture Center (TULC), Gedung Tokong Nanas. Uji coba dilakukan sejak Kamis (3/9) hingga dua minggu ke depan.